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Acquisition and Conversion Funnel report

The Google Play Referral Flow report has been replaced by the Acquisition and Conversion Funnel report in the Google Play Developer Console. This report is similar to the Google Play Referral Flow report, but differs from it in the following ways.

Google Play Referral report Acquisition and Conversion Funnel report
Reports based on devices. Reports based on users.
Simply reports the number of completions for each step. For example, users included in the count for step 2 may not have completed step 1 during the active date range. Provides cohort-based reporting instead of simply counting the number of completions for each step.                                                              
Reports number of new users (i.e. first open). New user data will continue to be available in Analytics. Reports number of buyers and repeat buyers.

To access the report in Google Play:

  1. Sign in to your Google Play Developer Console.
  2. Select an app.
  3. In the left menu, click User Acquisition.

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