The Google Ads Display Targeting report allows you to analyze the performance of your Google Ads campaigns that target the Google Display Network (GDN). This report includes data from Display Network only and Search Network with Display Select campaigns that use one or more of the available targeting options:
- Display Keywords
- Managed Placements
- Topics
- Interests and Remarketing
- Age
- Gender
The Google Ads Display Targeting report uses each targeting option as a Primary Dimension.
For each Primary Dimension, you can examine the Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversion metrics for traffic that is targeted through that particular targeting option.
This report lets you understand the follow-on effect of your display ads: the extent to which users engage with your site after they click your ads, and how they convert.
Primary dimensions
Display Keywords: Which of your Keyword-Campaign-Ad Group combinations are most effective on the GDN.
Managed Placements: Which of the sites, apps, and videos you’ve chosen are most effective.
Topics: Which of your Topic-Campaign-Ad Group combinations are most effective.
Interests and Remarketing: Which interest groups and which of your remarketing lists are most effective in combination with your campaigns and ad groups.
Age: Which of your Age Group-Campaign-Ad Group combinations are most effective.
Gender: Which of your Gender-Campaign-Ad Group combinations are most effective.
For the dimensions (targeting options) that are displayed in the Campaign-Ad Group context, you can use the following methods of evaluation:
Compare all: To compare all of the combinations for a targeting option, do not filter the table, and then sort by the relevant metric. For example, to see which combination of Keyword-Campaign-Ad Group generates the most transactions or revenue, simply sort that column from highest to lowest; or make the inverse sort to see which ones generate the lowest numbers.
Filter by Campaign and/or Ad Group: To compare all of the targeting options within a single Campaign and/or Ad Group context, filter the table to include just that campaign and/or ad group. Given that filtered data, you can then evaluate things like the performance of all of the keywords, topics, or remarketing lists used in a single campaign or ad group. You can then sort on the individual metrics to see your highest and lowest performers.
Filter by dimension value: To compare things like the same keyword or interest group used in the context of different campaigns and ad groups, filter the table by that dimension value (e.g., by specific keyword, interest group, or remarketing list). You can then see things like whether a keyword performs equally well in all contexts, or whether it excels or fails given a particular campaign.
Add a Secondary Dimension: In conjunction with any of the three methods above, you can also add a Secondary Dimension. For example, you can add Users > Device Category to see not only your targeting options, but also how each of those options performed per device category (desktop, tablet, and mobile).
Related resources
Visit the Google Ads Help Center to learn more about the Google Display Network