[UA] About User-ID views [Legacy]

Use a special reporting view to see your User-ID data.
You are viewing a legacy article about Universal Analytics. Learn more about Google Analytics 4 replacing Universal Analytics.
This information only applies to User-ID enabled properties.
The report is visible only in User-ID enabled views in those properties.

A User-ID view is a special reporting view that only displays data from sessions in which you send unique ID and related data to Analytics. To analyze all of your data, use a different view.

With a User-ID view, you can analyze the segment of traffic with an assigned ID separately from your other traffic. Although how you set up User-ID depends on your environment, a common implementation is to assign User IDs to account sign-ins. In this type of setup, you can analyze how signed-in users interact with your content, so you can find out more about how you acquired these users, what devices they use for different types of engagement, and how many sessions it takes to convert.

User-ID views include a set of Cross Device reports, which aren’t available in other reporting views. These reports give you the tools you need to analyze how users engage with your content on different devices over the course of multiple sessions. Learn more about the Cross Device reports.

Create a User-ID view

A User-ID view is only available to Universal Analytics properties in which User-ID is enabled, and if User-ID is implemented correctly in your tracking code and you otherwise maintain a technical configuration that can support this feature. Learn more about the User ID and how to set up the User ID.

You can create a new User-ID view at the end of the set up User-ID process, or by turning the User-ID View toggle to ON when you add a new view to a User-ID-enabled property.

Note that you can convert existing views to User-ID views during the User-ID feature set up flow on your property, but this is the only time you can do this. You cannot otherwise convert a "standard" view into a User-ID view. The User-ID view feature must be turned on during the create a new view process for a User-ID-enabled property.

Give descriptive and transparent names to your User-ID views, so you recognize them as special views in your admin page.

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