[UA] Balance generic and branded keywords [Legacy]

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Depending on where customers are in the buying cycle, they might use different kinds of search terms to find your product. For example, someone in the research stage might search using generic terms. As people become more familiar with available products and move toward the conversion stage, they might start searching for specific brand names. Returning customers also might use favorite brand names, rather than generic product terms, as search terms.

Balance your use of generic and branded keywords to capture a wide range of customers and increase conversion opportunities.


  1. Navigate to Acquisition > Keywords > Paid.
  2. Create two custom Segments based on your brand terms, constructed as follows:
    • Include Keyword Matching RegExp brand specific terms|brand misspelling
    • Exclude Keywords Matching RegExp brand specific terms|brand misspelling

    Note: Make sure to replace brand specific terms and brand misspelling with your actual brand name and a common misspelling. If desired, add additional brand misspellings to the regular expression, separating each misspelling with the pipe symbol, |, and no spaces. Read more about using regular expressions.

  3. Under the Explorer tab, select an option like Site Usage, Goal Set, or Ecommerce. Different metrics appear in the table based on this selection. You can also choose individual metrics, like % New Sessions, from the drop-down menu and compare them in the line graph.
  4. Try different visualization modes in the table, like Comparison, for more insight. Use the drop-down menu to select specific metrics while using an alternative mode.


Expand your generic keyword strategy to attract more new users, especially if you have a new product, are a young business, or are trying to reach a new market.

Invest in your brand keyword strategy to help retain customers or if you have an established product, company, or brand name.

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