Set up your Google tag in Google Ads

Google Ads is Google's online advertising program. Through Google Ads, you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they're interested in the products and services that you offer.

Below are instructions on how to manually add your Google tag in Google Ads. If you’re using a website builder or CMS like Wordpress, Shopify, or Wix, learn how to Install your Google tag with a website builder or CMS.

Note: If you use both Google Ads and Google Analytics, you'll only need to set up your Google tag in one platform. You can add the other product as a destination when you configure your Google tag settings.

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Before you begin

To set up your Google tag with Google Ads, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve set up your website for conversion tracking. Learn more about how to Set up conversion tracking for your website.

To complete the steps below, you’ll need access to your website code and Google Ads property.

Where is my Google tag ID in Google Ads?

How to find your Google tag ID and use it for website tracking

For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

To find your Google tag ID in Google Ads:

  1. Open the Google tag settings in Google Ads.
  2. Sign in to your Google Account.
  3. Navigate to Tools and then Data Manager.
  4. Under Google tag, find the Google tag and then click Manage.
  5. Under Your Google tag, click the Google tag .
  6. Under Tag details, copy the Google tag ID.

Steps to set up your Google tag in Google Ads

To start measuring website and ads performance, you need to add the Google tag on every page of your website.

If you have more complex measuring needs and want to manage third party tags as well, use Google Tag Manager to set up your Google tag.

  1. Open the Google tag settings in Google Ads.
  2. Select a Google Ads account.
  3. On the Data manager page, click Manage next to your Google tag.
  4. Next to Your Google tag, click Installation instructions.
  5. Click Install manually to install the Google tag with gtag.js in your website code.
  6. Next to the code snippet, click Copy to copy the code to your clipboard.
  7. Paste the entire tag snippet in the code of every page of your website, immediately after the <head> element. Don’t add more than one Google tag to each page.
  8. In the Test your website section, enter your website URL, and click Test.

Next steps

It may take up to 30 minutes for data collection to start. After data collection has started, verify your Google tag.

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