Set up your Google tag with Duda

If you have a tag ID starting with “G-”, or with "AW-", follow the steps below to integrate your account with Google Ads and Google Analytics.

Before you begin

You can integrate your Google tag with Duda for free. To set up integration, you’ll need a valid Google sign-in and an active Duda account.

The Google tag ID can map to multiple products like Analytics and Google Ads. If you’d like more customization, you can use the following information to set up additional integrations:

  • Google Analytics Property ID (G-)
  • Ads measurement ID (AW-)
  • Floodlight/DoubleClick Tracking ID (DC-)
  • Google Global Measurement ID (G-)


  1. Sign in to your Duda account.
  2. On the main menu, click Settings.
  3. On the call-out menu, select “Google Analytics”.
  4. Enter your Google tag ID into the “Google Analytics” box. An animated GIF demonstrating how to enter your  Google Analytics Property ID (UA-) into the “Google Analytics” box.
  5. After you’ve entered a valid Google tag ID, your changes will be saved automatically. Don’t add more than one Google tag to each page of your website.

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