[UA] Analyze channel contribution with Multi-Channel Funnels [Legacy]

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The Assisted Conversions report summarizes the roles and contributions of your channels. A channel can play three roles in a conversion path:

  • Last interaction is the interaction that immediately precedes the conversion.
  • Assist interaction is any interaction that is on the conversion path but is not the last interaction.
  • First interaction is the first interaction on the conversion path; it's a kind of assist interaction.

To calculate the metrics in this report, Analytics looks across all the conversion paths for the conversions you're analyzing.

  • Assisted Conversions and Assisted Conversion Value:
    This is the number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel assisted. If a channel appears anywhere—except as the final interaction—on a conversion path, it is considered an assist for that conversion. The higher these numbers, the more important the assist role of the channel.
  • Last Click or Direct Conversions and Last Click or Direct Conversion Value:
    This is the number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel closed or completed. The final click or direct traffic before a conversion gets last interaction credit for that conversion. The higher these numbers, the more important the channel's role in driving completion of sales and conversions.
  • First Click Conversions and First Click Conversion Value:
    The number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel initiated. This is the first interaction on a conversion path. The higher these numbers, the more important the channel's role in initiating new sales and conversions.
  • Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversions and First/Last Click or Direct Conversions:
    These ratios summarize a channel's overall role. A value close to 0 indicates that a channel completed more sales and conversions than it assisted. A value close to 1 indicates that the channel equally assisted and completed sales and conversions. The more this value exceeds 1, the more the channel assisted sales and conversions.

A Note About Calculations

Assisted Conversions for a given channel counts all conversions in which that channel was a non-last interaction. Assisted Conversion Value is the total value associated with those conversions. As a result, double-counting can occur across rows or across assisted and last conversions. If two conversions occur for a single person, any channel interactions which were in both conversion paths count toward both conversions.

Use the Multi-Channel Funnels troubleshooter to identify and resolve related problems.

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