[GA4] Salesforce Marketing Cloud reporting integration

The integration between Google Analytics 4 properties and Salesforce Marketing Cloud lets you check Analytics campaign, usage, and content data in Salesforce.

Link Google Analytics 4 to Marketing Cloud


You need to have Administrator permission for Marketing Cloud and Editor role in the Google Analytics 4 property.


To create a link inside Marketing Cloud, check Configure Google Analytics Web Tracking and Configure Google Analytics App Tracking to configure in web and app respectively.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud dimension value correction

The values for the journey name and activity name dimensions sent to Google Analytics 4 will be scrambled with each pair of subsequent characters swapped. The scrambled data will then be unscrambled and shown in your Google Analytics reports with the correct values.


If you set the value for the journey name as “ABCD”, the query string of your URL with the sfmc_activity_name parameter will have the value “BADC”. However, when adding the custom dimension for SFMC Activity Name in your reports, the correct value “ABCD” will be shown.

Related resources

Marketing Cloud Data Management and Analytics: Google Analytics Tracking

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