[GA4] Suggested audiences

This article is for website and/or app owners who want suggestions for creating audiences that are relevant to their businesses.


When you offer an app for download in Apple's App Store or in Google Play, you specify one or more categories for the app. When you create a property, you specify the industry category for your business. Based on those specifications, Analytics displays a number of preconfigured suggested audiences you can use that are based on the recommended events for those categories. The same audience can appear for a number of different industry categories.

Although you see only the suggestions relevant to your category, you can create any of these audiences if you find them appropriate to your business. You need to collect the events and parameters that form the basis of the audiences you want to use.

You can modify these suggested audiences as necessary.

If your property generates the data required for predictive metrics, then you also see suggested predictive audiences.

To see the suggested audiences for your property, click Audiences on the left, then click New audience.

Suggested audiences for Retail/Ecommerce

Audience descriptions and configurations

Audience Description Configuration
7-day inactive purchasers Purchasers who were once active, but have not been active for the last 7 days.


Event name: in_app_purchase


Event name: purchase


Event name: ecommerce_purchase


Event name: session_start

Event parameter:

event_count = 0

Time period = 7 days

Most recent time period

7-day inactive users Users who were once active, but have not been active for the last 7 days.


Event name: session_start

Event parameter:

event_count = 0

Time period = 7 days

Most recent time period

7-day unnotified users Users who have not received a push notification in the last 7 days.


Event name: notification_receive

Event parameter:

event_count = 0

Time period = 7 days

Most recent time period

Achievers Users who unlocked a specific achievement.


Event name: unlock_achievement

Event parameter: name_of_achievement

Billable users Users who registered a form of payment.


Event name: add_payment_info

Cart abandoners Users who added items to their carts but didn't purchase.


Event name: add_to_cart


Event_name: purchase

Checkout starters Users who started checking out but didn't complete the purchase.


Event name: begin_checkout


Event name: purchase

Item searchers Users who conducted item searches.


Event name: search

Event parameter: search_term

Operator: exactly matches

Parameter value: <item name>

Item viewers Users who viewed specific items


Event name: view_item

Event parameter: item_id

Operator: exactly matches

Parameter value: <item ID>

Leads Users who are potential business leads.


Event name: generate_lead

Registered users Users who registered with your business (e.g., by providing an email address).


Event name: sign_up

Searchers Users who conducted any type of search.


Event name: view_search_results

Streamers Users who streamed content.


Event name: video_start

Top players Users who reached a specific level.


Event name: level_up

Event parameter: level

Operator: >=

Parameter value: 10

Top scorers Users who achieved a high score.


Event name: post_score

Event parameter: score

Operator: >=

Parameter value: 1000 

Tutorial abandoners Users who didn't complete a tutorial.


Event name: tutorial_begin


Event name: tutorial_complete

Tutorial finishers Users who completed a tutorial.


Event name: tutorial_complete

Video completed Users who completed watching a video.


Event name: video_complete

Video start Users who started watching a video.


Event name: video_progress

Wishlist users Users who added items to a wishlist.


Event name: add_to_wishlist


Related resources

Learn more about editing property settings to specify industry category.

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