Política de terceiros: alegações falsas, enganosas ou não realistas

O Google oferece versões traduzidas da Central de Ajuda, mas elas não têm a intenção de alterar o conteúdo das nossas políticas. A versão em inglês é o idioma oficial que usamos para aplicar essas políticas. Se quiser ver este artigo em outra língua, confira o menu suspenso de idiomas na parte de baixo da página.

Our policy

We want advertisers to make informed decisions about working with third-party partners, which means you need to be upfront and truthful when describing your company, your services, the costs associated with those services, and the results that advertisers can expect. Don't make false, misleading, or unrealistic claims.

Here are some examples of claims that violate this policy:

Misrepresentation of self, product, or service

Misrepresenting your relationship to Google


  • claiming to be Google
  • falsely claiming a Google third-party program status, such as claiming to be a Google Partner
  • claiming to be contacting advertisers on behalf of Google
  • claiming a special relationship with Google
  • claiming access to preferential discounts, ad prices, or ad positions
  • claiming an ability to purchase keywords in bulk
  • claiming that Google endorses your search engine optimization (SEO) services

Deturpações sobre os serviços que você presta


  • Mencionar o AdWords Express como se fosse o Google Ads e não apontar as diferenças relevantes
  • Insinuar que você vende funcionalidades do Google Ads, como segmentação por local, anúncios do YouTube e recursos de local, em países onde elas não estão disponíveis

Using false claims or claims that entice customers with an improbable result as the likely outcome that a customer can expect (even if this result is possible)


  • guaranteeing top ad placement in Google
  • guaranteeing top placement in Google organic search results
  • claiming that ads will appear in Google Search at all times
  • selling unlimited clicks or visits
Misrepresentation of Google products

Making false statements about Google products or features, including how they work, whether Google charges fees for using them, and how any such fees are calculated.


  • selling Google Ads or AdWords Express as permanent positions or listings
  • misrepresenting free placement products, such as Google My Business, as paid products
  • making false statements about how Google advertising costs are calculated
  • confusing search results and ads
  • implying that Google Ads costs are based on the number of keywords selected

Report a violation of third-party policy

Think a third-party partner is violating this policy? Let us know:
Report a violation of third-party policy

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