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Form ads requirements

Google provides translated versions of our Help Center, though they are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version is the official language we use to enforce our policies. To view this article in a different language, use the language dropdown at the bottom of the page.

Affiliate Networks in Form ads

Affiliate networks and lead generation businesses are not allowed

Related policies and common disapprovals


Google may remove ads or assets in response to trademark owner complaints. Advertisers are responsible for proper trademark use in their ad text, assets, and business information. Refer to the Trademarks policy for more information.

Destination not working

Google may remove ads or assets in response to trademark owner complaints. Advertisers are responsible for proper trademark use in their ad text, assets, and business information. Refer to the Trademarks policy for more information.

All URLs must lead to destination webpages that are set up correctly and work properly. Refer to the Destination not working policy for more information.


Google may remove ads or assets in response to trademark owner complaints. Advertisers are responsible for proper trademark use in their ad text, assets, and business information. Refer to the Trademarks policy for more information.

The standard requirements for clarity, correct spelling, and use of capitalization and symbols apply to all ads. Refer to the Editorial policy for more information.

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