Google provides translated versions of our Help Centre, though they are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version is the official language that we use to enforce our policies. To view this article in a different language, use the language drop-down at the bottom of the page.
The Google Ads editorial policies (including Punctuation & Symbols, Capitalisation, Grammar and Spelling, Spacing, and Repetition) will be updated in around mid-April 2013 to become a single, consolidated Editorial Standards policy. These editorial standards are being updated to clarify guidelines surrounding gimmicky, excessive and/or inappropriate punctuation, symbols, capitalisation, grammar, spelling, repetition and spacing that is prohibited within ad text. The change will affect all countries. We made this decision as an effort to continually improve users' experiences with Google Ads. After the new, consolidated policy goes into effect, the Punctuation & Symbols, Capitalisation, Grammar and Spelling, Spacing and Repetition policies will be updated to reflect this change.
(Posted on 2 April)