Financial products and services: Debt services

Google provides translated versions of our Help Center, though they are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version is the official language we use to enforce our policies. To view this article in a different language, use the language dropdown at the bottom of the page.

We want users to have adequate information to make informed financial decisions. Our policies are designed to give users information to weigh the costs associated with financial products and services, and to protect users from harmful or deceitful practices.

Learn more about the Financial products and services policy.

An image showing the legend for Financial Services.

Learn more about the “Eligible (Limited)” status.

We want consumers to make informed decisions about the services offered to help them address overwhelming debt. This policy applies to advertisers who offer debt services directly, lead generators, and those who connect consumers with third-party debt services.

To protect users from deceptive and harmful practices, we only allow advertisements for the following debt services in select locations and if all of the following criteria are met:

  • The services and ads comply with local laws and industry standards, and
  • The targeted location is eligible for certification and the account is certified by Google

Approved targeted locations

Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Products or services allowed under the Debt services policy with certification

An icon showing the Certification required for Financial Services. Ads for debt settlement services that offer to negotiate with creditors a reduced, lump-sum payment that will be regarded as payment in full

An icon showing the Certification required for Financial Services. Ads for debt management services that offer to negotiate with creditors reduced periodic payments, interest rates, and/or fees

Violations of the policies below will not lead to immediate account suspension without prior warning. A warning will be issued, at least 7 days, prior to any suspension of your account. Learn more about suspended accounts.

Get certified to advertise Debt services

  1. Check if you are promoting any products or services that require you to be certified by Google.
  2. Check if the locations you’re targeting are eligible under this policy.
    If your targeted location is not on the list of approved targeted locations, Debt services mentioned above cannot be advertised. At this time, we are unable to support advertising in non-approved markets. If your targeted location is on the list, proceed to the next step.
  3. Apply for certification

Options to fix

If this policy is affecting your ad, review your options to fix below.

Apply for certification

If your ad was disapproved due to a missing Google certification and you meet the requirements, apply for Debt services certification. If you want to advertise in more than one location, submit a separate application for each location or group of locations.

Appeal policy decision

If you've fixed your destination or believe that we've made an error, appeal the policy decision directly from your Google Ads account to request a review. After we confirm that the destination is compliant, we can approve your ads. If you aren't able to fix these violations or choose not to, remove your ad to help prevent your account from becoming suspended in the future for repeated policy violations.

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