We expect all advertisers to comply with the local laws for any area that their ads target, in addition to the standard Google Ads policies. Advertisers are expected to do their own research on the local regulations for any location that their ads target.
Certain countries, industries and trade associations have their own self-regulatory codes for advertising and marketing. You can find a list containing some of these codes here. Advertisers on Google should refer to these codes where relevant.
Country |
Advertising code |
Australia | Ad Standards published by Australian Ad Standards |
Austria |
Österreichischer Werberat. Officially translated English version here. |
Belgium |
Codes / Règles published by the JEP |
Bulgaria |
National Ethical Rules for Advertising and Other Commercial Communication in Bulgaria published by the National Council for Self-Regulation (NCSR) |
Cyprus |
Cyprus Advertising Ethics Code published by the Cyprus Advertising Regulation Organisation (PDF version here) |
Czech Republic |
Code of Advertising Practice published by the Czech Advertising Standards Council (RPR). Officially translated English version here. |
Finland |
France |
Le Code De L'ARPP (ARPP CODE). Officially translated English version here. |
Germany |
Wettbewerbszentrale (for unfair commercial practices) Deutscher Werberat(for taste and decency and social responsibility). English version here. |
Greece |
Hellenic Code of Advertising and Communication Practice (HCACP) published by the Advertising Self-Regulation Council (SEE) |
Hungary |
MAGYAR REKLÁMETIKAI KÓDEX published by the Advertising Self Regulatory Board (ÖRT). Officially translated English version here. |
India |
Code for Self-Regulation of Advertising Content published by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) |
Ireland |
Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications published by the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) |
Italy |
Il Codice di Autodisciplina della Comunicazione Commerciale. Officially translated English version here. |
Luxembourg |
Code of Practice in Advertising published by the Commission Luxembourgeoise pour l’Ethique en Publicité (CLEP) |
Malaysia | Content Code published by The Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia |
New Zealand | Advertising Codes published by the New Zealand Advertising Standards Authority |
Philippines | Advertising Guidebook published by the Philippines Ad Standards Council |
Poland |
Kodeks Etyki Reklamy published by Rada Reklamy. Officially translated English version here |
Portugal |
Romania |
The Code of Advertising Practice published by the Romanian Advertising Council (RAC). Officially translated English version here. |
Russia |
Российский Кодекс практики рекламы и маркетинговых коммуникаций applied by Ассоциация маркетинговой индустрии 'Рекламный Совет' (AMI RS) |
Serbia |
Kodeks Marketinških Komunikacija applied by Nacionalna asocijacija za etičke standarde u oglašavanju (NAESO). Officially translated English version here. |
Singapore | Code of Advertising Practice published by the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore |
Slovakia |
Code of ethics for advertising practice published by Rada Pre Reklamu (RPR). Officially translated English version here. |
Slovenia |
Slovenian Code of Advertising Practice published by the Slovenian Advertising Chamber (SOZ) |
Spain |
Códigos de Conducta Publicitaria applied by Autocontrol |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Principles of the Swiss Commission for Fairness published by the Swiss Commission for Fairness in Commercial Communication (SLK/CSL). |
The Netherlands |
Nederlandse Reclame Code published by Stichting Reclame Code (SRC). Officially translated English version here. |
Türkiye |
Advertising and Marketing Communication Practice Consolidated ICC Code applied by the Reklam Özdenetim Kurulu (RÖK). Officially translated English version here. |
United Kingdom |
UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code). |