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About anchor ads

Anchor ads stick to the edge of the user's screen and are easily dismissible. They appear when the user interacts with your page. These ads mainly serve on mobile, but can appear on desktop too.

Top anchors and bottom anchors

Anchor ads appear at the top of the user's screen unless we determine that this would negatively affect the user experience, in which case we show them at the bottom. When shown at the top, anchor ads only appear after the user has scrolled down far enough, so that they never cover your site's branding or navigation.

You can disable anchor ads at the top of your page by modifying your ad code.

Collapsible anchors

This is an enhancement to the anchor ad format. Collapsible anchors automatically enlarge their ad height on mobile devices for better viewability. Users can immediately collapse them to the standard anchor size.

Collapsible anchor ad

An example of a collapsible anchor ad in an expanded state

A user visits a mobile web page and sees a collapsible anchor ad.

Anchor (collapsed)

An example of a collapsible anchor ad in a collapsed state

The user can immediately collapse the ad to its standard anchor size.

Anchor (dismissed)

An example of a collapsible anchor ad in a dismissed state

The user can expand the ad to its standard anchor size.

Some important things to know about collapsible anchors:

  • They offer more room to convey the advertiser’s message, which provides better visibility and higher click-through rates.
  • They're only available on mobile.
  • They support both top and bottom anchors.
  • They're frequency capped per user to maintain a positive user experience.

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