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Fix problems creating or signing in to a Google Account

If you're having problems creating or signing in to your Google Account, follow these troubleshooting steps to solve your issue.

Check if you already have a Google Account

If you signed in to any Google product before, such as Gmail, Maps, or YouTube, you already have a Google Account. You can use the same username and password you created to sign in to any other Google products.

If you can't remember that you signed in and would like to check if you have an account, enter your email address. You'll find a message if there isn't a Google Account associated with your email address.

You can sign in to an existing Google Account.

Check where email notifications are sent

By default, account related notifications are sent to your new Gmail address, or to your non-Google email if you signed up with a different email address.

To change where you get notifications, edit your contact email.

Tip: You can also create a Google Account with a non-Google email you already own.

If the email is already used

You can't choose this email address for a new account. If this email address is yours, it's possible that:

Username or password is wrong, invalid, or unrecognized

  1. Make sure that:
    • There isn't a typo in your username or password.
    • You've entered your full email address. For example, "username@gmail.com" instead of "username@gmail."
    • Caps lock is turned off.
    • Your keyboard is in the right language.
  2. Refresh your browser and try signing in again.
  3. If you're still getting the error message, follow the steps to recover your account.
  4. Reset your password when prompted. Choose a strong password that you haven't already used with this account. Learn how to create a strong password.

If we send you an email but you don't get it

  1. Check your spam or bulk mail folder.
  2. If the email isn't there:
    1. Add noreply@google.com, accounts-support@google.com, and accounts-support-ara@google.com to your address book.
    2. Request another email by following the steps to recover your account.
  3. If you don't get the email within 20 minutes, contact your email provider.

Fix problems with a verification link or email

When you’re setting up your account with your own email, you should get a verification email. Click the link in the email to finish creating your account.
If you didn't get the email or the link didn't work, learn how to troubleshoot problems with the verification link or email

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