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Troubleshoot Ad Manager line item delivery
Help article - Google Ad ManagerJump to non-delivery causes: Most common | Privacy and consent policy | Ad selection | Bid response filtering | Programmatic deals | Open bidding | Video and au Google Publisher Policies
Help article - Google Ad ManagerWe are in the process of migrating and consolidating all of the Google Publisher Policies and Google Publisher Restrictions to the new Publisher Policies Help C About publisher provided identifiers
Help article - Google Ad ManagerOnly available in Google Ad Manager 360 PPID (Publisher provided identifier) is a Google Ad Manager 360 feature that might not be enabled for your network. Cont Ad Manager report metrics
Help article - Google Ad ManagerIt is equal to the sum of "Unfilled impressions" and "Total code served count". For single ads, each request is counted once. For optimized pods: Each ad ... Line item types and priorities
Help article - Google Ad ManagerLine items are added to orders and contain key information about how your ads are selected to deliver. #lineitems #delivery Line item type and priority are a st