Limitations of GWD HTML5 creatives

Google Web Designer (GWD) bundle-based HTML5 doesn't support click tag. Instead of defining var clickTag(s), a GWD-published bundle should use an exit event.

How exits work

When a user clicks the exit area in an ad, they are brought to an advertiser’s website. Every creative requires at least one exit; you can add up to 100 exits per Studio (GWD) creative so your ad can direct users to various web pages. For example, you can set up individual exits to track how many users click through to a social media page versus your advertiser's website link or a call-to-action button.

Unlike click tags, in exits, you don’t need to provide a landing URL in the creative code. Instead, provide a name for the exit that you can recognize in campaign reports. After you upload your creative to Studio, you provide the actual URL, but you can customize the URL later with Studio or Campaign Manager without having to edit the creative code.

Learn more about adding an exit using Google Web Designer.

Set click tags and click-through URLs

Insert click tags in the <head> of your HTML documents.

  <meta name="ad.size" content="width=300,height=250">
  <script type="text/javascript">
      var clickTagFoo = "";

If an error occurs, it's usually caused by the URL value of the click tag (for example, %c where unwanted characters (in this case %c) or unsupported macro were introduced). In such cases, try removing the macro or extra text characters and test again.

Use the variable (for example, clickTagFoo) as the destination in creatives.

<a href="javascript:void(">
  <img src="images/dclk.png" border=0>

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