Review security-related activity

You can view security-related activity from the past 28 days to check for suspicious activity and help protect your account. For example, this page will show important actions like:

  • Sign-ins on new devices
  • Password changes
  • Recovery info changes
  • Requests to download your data

If there’s one or more important actions in your account, Google will send you a security alert using methods like email and notifications.

Check for suspicious activity in your account

  1. Go to your security activity page. You might need to sign in.
  2. Select any activity. If a "critical security alert" is listed, one or more suspicious actions was detected.
  3. Review whether you recognize info like the following.
    • Activity: Do you remember taking the action at the time and approximate location listed? If not, select No, secure account.
    • Device: Do you use the type of device that’s listed? If not, select No, secure account.

Check if a security alert is from Google

If you got a security alert and want to make sure it's really from Google, go to your security activity page.

  • If you don’t see activity on the page that matches the alert you received, the alert might be fake and you shouldn’t click anything in it.
  • If you see activity on the page that matches the alert you received, you can select it and see if you recognize that activity.
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Get step-by-step visual guides on the tools and practices that will help you protect your personal information with Google's Online Security Guidebook.

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