About DMA & your linked services

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is an EU law that took effect on March 6, 2024. As a result of the DMA, in the EU, Google offers you the choice to link certain Google services. Those Google services include:

  • Search
  • YouTube
  • Ad services
  • Google Play
  • Chrome
  • Google Shopping
  • Google Maps

You can choose to link all these services, choose to have none of these services linked, or choose which of these individual services you want to link.

When linked, these services can share your data with each other and with all other linked Google services for certain purposes. For example, linked Google services can work together to help personalize your content and ads, depending on your settings.

Google services that can’t be linked

For most users in the EU there are no services that can’t be linked. Some services can’t be linked for users in Germany.

Tip: All other Google services that share data with each other and are not named above are always linked.

About linked services

If services aren’t linked, some features that involve sharing data across Google services will be limited or unavailable. For example:

  • When Search, YouTube, and Chrome are not linked services, your recommendations in Search, like “What to watch” and your Discover feed will be less personalized.
  • When Search and Maps are not linked services, you won't be able to save places on Search.

Aspects of a service that don’t involve sharing data won’t be affected.

You won’t be signed out of any Google services if you choose not to link services. Also, linking Google services is not about sharing your data with third-party services.

Manage your linked services

You’re in control. You can choose which of the Google services listed above are linked. You can review or change your choices anytime in your Google Account. Learn how to manage your linked services.

About your data

Learn more about how your data is used across linked Google services.

Related resources 

Protect Your Identity Online

Get step-by-step visual guides on the tools and practices that will help you protect your personal information with Google's Online Security Guidebook.

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