Change braille display settings

Important: BrailleBack is no longer required to connect to a braille display.

To change the settings of your braille display, go to TalkBack settings and then Braille display.

There are three categories of settings: Devices, Languages and commands and General.




Braille device list

Displays the list of active, saved and available devices with their status. You can select the device that you want to connect to.

Look for new device

Scan for available devices nearby to connect to.

Languages and commands




Select languages to use for braille display.

Preferred reading language

Set the language to use when you read.

Preferred typing language

Set the language to use when you type.

Preferred braille grade If multiple braille grades are available, you can set it for your language.

Braille commands

Learn the key commands available for your braille display.

Braille elements Learn how on-screen elements are shown on your braille display.





Allow saved braille displays to connect when nearby.

Auto scroll Automatically advance the braille display up to 20 seconds. You can also choose the scroll duration based on the length of your braille display.




Reverse pan up and pan down buttons

This setting reverses the direction of the panning buttons of your braille display.

Show braille output on screen

Displays the braille display content in a small window on top of other windows on the screen.

Message duration This setting lets you change the duration of temporary messages, such as when the keyboard is shown, to short, medium or long.
Cursor blink rate This setting controls how frequently the cursor blinks from 0.25 seconds to 2 seconds.
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