
Você interage com colegas que estão trabalhando de casa e pessoas que estão no escritório? Veja como se destacar em ambientes de trabalho híbridos.

A página que solicitou não está atualmente disponível no seu idioma. Pode selecionar um idioma diferente na parte inferior da página ou traduzir instantaneamente qualquer página Web para o idioma que preferir através da funcionalidade de tradução integrada do Google Chrome.

Get started with Gemini for Google Workspace

What you'll learn

To use Gemini for Google Workspace, your Google account language must be set to an English dialect. Learn how

You can use this feature only if your organization supports it. For help, contact your administrator.

Learn how to use Gemini for Google Workspace to draft new content quickly, improve your writing, summarize content, create custom graphics, and more.

Note: The instructions in this guide are for computer only.

In this guide

What you'll need

Google Workspace account with the Gemini for Google Workspace add onNeed an account? Start your 14-day trial today. Gemini for Google Workspace is available when your Google account language is set to an English dialect. Additionally, some features are available in Spanish and Portuguese. Learn more about language availability.
A Gemini for Google Workspace license assigned by an administrator

Want advanced Google Workspace features for your business?

Try Google Workspace today!

Google, Google Workspace, and related marks and logos are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names are trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.

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