
Bring your best ideas to life with Gemini for Google Workspace. Get tips & real-life use cases for using gen AI at work.

Tips for UX design

Google Workspace productivity guide

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Conduct research studies

Screen potential participants for studies

Create a form to see if potential participants meet the criteria for your study. Send responses to a spreadsheet that you can customize to fit your study.

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Have users keep a diary of their experiences

Keep a record of user experiences with your app or website through a diary study. Create a template in Google Docs that you can send to every user. You can collaborate on each document with yourself and the user, so you’ll see their feedback as it happens.

Learn howCreate a file from a template


Hold interviews or user tests with people in remote locations

Interview remote users while they test your product to record their responses and reactions. In a Google Meet video meeting, users can also share their screen, so you can see exactly what’s going on as they test the product. Remote team members can join the meeting to observe the study.

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Summarize results with Gemini

After an extensive study, you might find yourself with too much data to effectively review. Add the information into Google Sheets and ask Gemini to summarize.

Learn howSummarize content & organize data


Gather your team's interviews & test results

Easily analyze findings by collecting each team member’s research data in a form. Add targeted questions, such as interviewer name, subject role, observation, and time. When responses come in, you can automatically send them to a spreadsheet. Then, in Sheets, easily filter key user journeys, pain points, and other important results.

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Learn about your website users through analytics

Want to get insights from users so you can improve your website? Use Google Analytics to see how users find and use your site, if design changes impact visitor metrics, and more. Then, use Google Apps Script to import your data into Sheets.

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Share designs & results

Share design ideas & prototypes

Build a presentation that includes your wireframes, storyboards, or workflows with Google Slides. Create a video in Google Vids to showcase how your designs and prototypes function together. Then, present your ideas to clients anywhere in the world using Meet.

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Draft & share design research

When you're designing a new app or website, use Docs to draft study plans, use cases, personas, competitive analysis notes, and more. Then, share your documents with team members or clients to get feedback.

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Store your research & design files in one place

Keep all your research files and recordings in Google Drive. All your content is private until you share it, so any sensitive information stays safe.

If you’d rather work on Drive files from your desktop, use Google Drive for desktop. All your Drive files appear and are streamed on demand, so they don’t take up storage space on your computer. 

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Keep your team on track

Share plans or lab time on a team calendar

To get visibility into what your colleagues are working on or share resources, such as lab facilities, create a team calendar. You can add specific people or an entire organization.

Learn howTips to share calendars


Create a group email address to easily communicate with your team

As a designer, you’ll often work with a larger team, including project managers, engineers, and more. Share your files with everyone at once by creating an email group.

Learn howCreate a group

Use generative AI at work

If your organization supports it, you can use the artificial intelligence add-on, Gemini for Google Workspace. Use Gemini directly in Google Workspace apps like Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, Vids, and Gmail, to help you write, visualize, organize, and connect. You can also use Gemini as a standalone experience at

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