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Usage limits in Gemini for Google Workspace

How limits work

Your use of Gemini in Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet is subject to a monthly usage limit. You can use these features 500 times per month. This usage limit can't be shared with other people, and it doesn't roll over to the next month. 

Your usage limit resets on the first day of each month.

How does my use of Gemini in Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet affect my monthly limit?

There are 2 types of actions that count against your usage limits:

  • You ask Gemini to do work for you. This happens when you use features like "Help me write" or "Help me visualize" to create or re-draft content in Google Workspace apps. 
  • You accept a suggestion from Gemini. When Gemini detects an opportunity to help you get work done, it makes suggestions that you can choose to accept or ignore. Suggestions that you ignore don't affect your usage limit. When you accept Gemini's suggestion, it counts towards your usage limit. 

What happens when I reach my monthly limit in Gemini?

You are warned when you approach your limit. After you reach the limit, Gemini:

  • stops accepting your prompts
  • stops making proactive suggestions

When your monthly limit is refreshed at the beginning of the month, you can start using Gemini in Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet again. 

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