
Bring your best ideas to life with Gemini for Google Workspace. Get tips & real-life use cases for using gen AI at work.

Get started with Sheets for Google Workspace

Create your first spreadsheet

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Create or import a spreadsheet

Create and name your spreadsheet

  1. On your computer, open a Google Docs, Sheets, SlidesForms or Vids  home screen.
  2. Click Create Plus.

You can also:

At the top of the page, click Untitled document and enter a new title.

Import and convert an existing spreadsheet

Converting your file from another program creates a copy of your original file in a Docs, Sheets, or Slides format. You can then edit the file in your browser.

If you have existing files, you can import and convert them to Docs, Sheets, or Slides.

  1. Go to Drive.
  2. Click Newand thenFile Upload.
  3. Choose the file you want to import from your computer to add it to Drive.
  4. In the Upload complete window, click Show file location .
  5. Right-click the file and select Open withand thenGoogle Docs/Sheets/Slides.

Have a Microsoft file?

If you've already stored Microsoft files in Drive, you can also update them without converting them.

Add tabs to your spreadsheet

Work with more than one sheet in a single spreadsheet file by adding tabs.

At the bottom of your spreadsheet, click Add sheet  to add another tab.

Add or update content in a spreadsheet

Add or update data

  1. Open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. Click a cell that’s empty, or double-click a cell that isn’t empty.
  3. Start typing.
  4. Optional: To add another line within a cell, press ⌘ + Enter on a Mac or Ctrl + Enter on Windows.
  5. When you’re done, press Enter.

Organize data

Add rows, columns, and cells:

  1. Select the row, column, or cell near where you want to add your new entry.
  2. Right-click the highlighted row, column, or celland thenInsertand thenchoose where to insert the new entry.

Delete, clear, or hide rows and columns:

  1. Right-click the row number or column letter.
  2. Click Delete, Clear, or Hide.

Delete cells:

  1. Select the cells.
  2. Right-clickand thenDelete cellsand thenShift left or Shift up.

Move rows or columns: Select the row number or column letter and drag it to a new location.

Move cells:

  1. Select the cells.
  2. Point your cursor to the top of the selected cells until a hand appears.
  3. Drag the cells to a new location.

Group rows or columns:

  1. Select the rows or columns. 
  2. Click Dataand thenGroup rows or Group columns.

Freeze header rows and columns: Keep a row or column in the same place as you scroll through your spreadsheet. On the menu bar, click Viewand thenFreeze and choose an option.

Add formulas or functions

  1. Open a spreadsheet.
  2. Type an equal sign (=) in a cell and type in the function you want to use. 

Note: You may see suggested formulas and ranges based on your data.

A function help box will be visible throughout the editing process to provide you with a definition of the function and its syntax, as well as an example for reference. If you need more information, click the “Learn more” link at the bottom of the help box to open a full article.

 Use Gemini to generate content

You can use this feature only if your organization supports it. For help, contact your administrator.

Gemini for Google Workspace is available when your Google account language is set to an English dialect. Additionally, some features are available in Spanish and Portuguese. Learn more about language availability.

  1. On your computer, open a new spreadsheet or tab in Google Sheets. The Help me organize sidebar will automatically open.
  2. Enter a prompt. For example:

    Imagine you are preparing for a customer meeting with a new client. Create a framework for researching the client's company in order to create a sales prospect.
  3. Click Create.
  4. (Optional) Click Refine then choose how you want Gemini to change the content.
  5. When you’re finished, in the preview, click Insert.

Use Gemini to organize content

You can use this feature only if your organization supports it. For help, contact your administrator.

Gemini for Google Workspace is available when your Google account language is set to an English dialect. Additionally, some features are available in Spanish and Portuguese. Learn more about language availability.

  1. On your computer, open a new spreadsheet or tab in Google Sheets. The Help me organize sidebar opens.

  2. In the sidebar, enter a prompt. For example:
    • "Create a framework for researching a sales prospect, or their company, to prepare for a customer meeting."
    • “Set up a task tracker for a project to build a new website.”
    • “Plan a kick off event for the sales team.”
  3. Click Create.
  4. (Optional) After generating a table, you can:
    • Send feedback about the suggested table: Click Good suggestion for a table that fulfills your request or Bad suggestion for a table that does not meet your needs. 
    • Edit your prompt: At the top of the sidebar, click the prompt. Edit your prompt and click Create.
    • Create a new version of the table: Click Create.
      • Important: After creating a new version, you can’t go back to the previous version.
  5. When you’re finished, in the preview, click Insert.

Note: For best results, use Help me organize in a new tab. If you use the Help me organize in a tab that already has data and insert the generated result, it will overwrite any existing data it replaces.

Google, Google Workspace, and related marks and logos are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names are trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.

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