Set up an account to authorize your Google Workspace migration or sync product. Follow these steps to create a service account in Google Cloud. For more details, go to Service accounts.
Step 1: Create a project
- Go to Google Cloud and sign in as a super administrator. If it's your first time signing in to the console, agree to the Terms of Service.
- Click IAM & Admin
Manage Resources. You might have to click Menu
- At the top, click Create Project and enter a project name.
- (Optional) To add the project to a folder, for Location, click Browse, navigate to the folder, and click Select.
- Click Create.
- By default, only the creator of the project has rights to manage the project. To ensure the project can be maintained if the creator leaves the organization, you should assign at least one other person the role of Project Owner. For details, go to Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.
Step 2: Turn on the APIs for the service account
- Check the box next to your new project.
- Click APIs & Services
Library. You might have to click Menu
- For each API you require (below), click the API name and then Enable:
- Admin SDK
- Google Calendar API
- Contacts API
- Gmail API
- Groups Migration API
Tip: If you can't find the API, specify the API name in the search box.
Step 3: Set up the OAuth consent screen
Tip: When adding the email addresses below, use shared administrator email accounts.
- Click APIs & Services
OAuth consent screen. You might have to click Menu
- For User Type, select Internal.
- Click Create.
- For App name, add the name of your application.
- Select a User support email for users to contact with questions.
- For Developer contact information, enter email addresses so Google can contact you about changes to your project.
- Click Save and Continue
Save and Continue
Back to Dashboard.
Step 4: Create the service account
- Click APIs & Services
Credentials. You might have to click Menu
- Click Create Credentials
Service account.
- For Service account name, enter a name for the service account.
- (Optional) For Service account description, enter a description of the service account.
- Click Create and Continue.
- Click Done
- At the top, click Keys
Add Key
Create new key.
- Make sure the key type is set to JSON and click Create.
You'll get a message that the service account's private key JSON file was downloaded to your computer. Make a note of the file name and where your browser saves it. You'll need it later.
- Click Close.
Next step
Return to your migration or sync product to continue the setup process:
- GCCHN: Create a service account for domain authorization
- GCRS: Configure Google Workspace
- GWMHN: Admin guide (Chapter 4: Installation)
- GWMMO: Run migrations from the command line
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