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Reports definitions for inbound, outbound & internal mail

Some Gmail reports have details about inbound, outbound, and internal mail. This article defines each message type. 


  • Messages sent and received with SMTP relay service aren't included in the message totals in aggregate reports.
  • In the table below, an associated domain is any domain or subdomain of the parent domain that is a primary, secondary, or alias domain.


Message Type Description
Inbound Messages received by your users from senders outside the set of associated domains for your organization.
Outbound Messages sent by your users to recipients outside the set of associated domains for your organization.

Sending—Messages sent by your users to recipients within your organization's associated domains.

Receiving—Messages received by your users from senders within your organization's associated domains.

Important: Messages must be authenticated by either SPF or DKIM to be treated as internal. This applies even to messages from associated domains. If a message sent from an associated domain does not pass either SPF or DKIM, it's treated as an external message. 

Delivered Messages delivered directly to or from Gmail, or to the default mail route (for non-Gmail mailbox users). Rerouted messages that are delivered aren't defined as delivered because Gmail is not the final destination.
Rerouted Messages rerouted to another server from Gmail.
Rejected Messages that are rejected. Reasons for message rejection vary by direction (inbound/outbound). Rerouted messages that are rejected aren't defined as rejected because messages are rerouted before they're rejected.

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