Update your bank account for SEPA (Europe)

Applies to editions of Google Workspace and other paid subscriptions in your Google Admin console.

Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) affects Google Cloud customers in Europe who pay by bank account (also called direct debit). To continue using your bank account for payments, the bank account number must be in a certain format, called an International Bank Account Number (IBAN). It also must have a Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-BIC). Updating your bank account to comply with SEPA will ensure your domain remains in an active state.

If your bank account doesn't comply with SEPA, we emailed you to let you know that you'll need to take action to prevent suspension of your account. Or, in some cases, we were able to automatically convert your bank account and you don't need to take any action. Read the section below that applies to you.

Your bank account doesn't comply

If your bank account number doesn't have an IBAN and SWIFT-BIC, you have a couple of options.

Keep using the same account
  1. Ask your bank for the IBAN and SWIFT-BIC of your bank account.
  2. Add the bank account as a new payment method to your Google billing account. Use its IBAN and SWIFT-BIC number, and assigning it as your primary payment method.
  3. Remove the old bank account from your Google billing account.
Use another payment method for automatic payments

Alternately, use another bank account for automatic payments that does have an IBAN and SWIFT-BIC. Or use a credit card. To do this:

  1. Add a new bank account or credit card as your primary payment method. For a bank account, use its IBAN and SWIFT-BIC number.
  2. Remove the old bank account from your Google billing account.

We converted your bank account

In some cases, Google was able to convert your bank account number to an IBAN with no action needed from you. If that was the case for you, we sent you an email to let you know.

To convert your IBAN, Google used a trusted conversion third party in accordance with the recommendation of the European Payments Council.

For security reasons, the full IBAN isn't shown in your Google billing account. If you'd like to know your entire IBAN, ask your bank for it.

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