We recommend that you test Meet eCDN. Collect some data on your network's performance using the Random policy before you use your custom rules to roll out the feature to everyone in your organization.
Collect data
Run eCDN on its Random policy and default settings, potentially including a small number of custom network rules, to collect and evaluate data. Study collected performance metrics, audit logs, or other data to see if the setup works as intended. For details, go to Secure deployment, access & controls.
Check network performance
Use your custom rules for a limited period and study the data to see if the custom setup works as intended. If not, go back to the previous steps to check the info and verify or adjust network rules. Gathering this data might require help from your network engineering team.
Track live stream statistics
Meet eCDN comes with monitoring and analytics capabilities, added to the Meet Quality Tool (MQT). For more details about the MQT, go to Track statistics for live streams using eCDN.
Access client debug logs for eCDN performance information
To get detailed information about how eCDN is used in Meet live streaming clients, turn on client debug logs in the Admin Console. These logs can help you understand how your custom rules affect the ways clients use eCDN in different parts of your private network. This information is shown as log entries in the browser developer console.
Client debug logs contain technical information in several sections:
- Device status–Information about the client's current state:
- clientId–The P2P tracking ID for the current session.
- clientRole–The currently assigned eCDN client role.
- deviceHealthy–Whether or not media frames are currently expected via P2P and are also received. If this value is false for 4 seconds, the device enables media fallback mode. To disable media fallback, this value has to be true for 10 seconds.
- mediaFallbackEnabled–Whether or not media fallback is currently enabled.
- sessionState–The current state of the eCDN tracker connection. The state is either "new," “connecting,” or “connected.”
- Network–Information about the network assigned to the client, potentially through a custom rule configuration:
- ipRangeNetwork–The assigned network if custom network rules have been uploaded and the peering policy is set to “Custom Rules.”
- ipRangeLocation–The assigned location if custom network rules have been uploaded and the peering policy is set to “Custom Rules.”
- Stats–Performance information about how the client has used eCDN, such as media transfer rates and peer connections:
- frameErrorRate–Percentage of received frames that could not be decoded.
- healthRate–Percentage of time the device was unhealthy.
- neighbourCounts–Count of the currently expected and assigned types of P2P connections (parent, cluster, and child), and also the total amount of established connections over time.
- originReceivedExpectedBytes–Media data received from Google backends while expected.
- originReceivedFallbackBytes–Media data received from Google backends while P2P was expected to deliver such data (this counter increases while the device is in fallback mode).
- p2pReceivedBytes–Media data received from other devices via P2P. This value accounts for all incoming P2P media sources.
- timeInFallbackMs–Total time the device was in fallback mode in milliseconds.
- timeUnhealthyMs–Total time the device was unhealthy in milliseconds.
Note: Some fields in the logs may contain data that's mainly for Google's use in support cases.
Turn eCDN client debug logs on or off
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
Go to Menu
Apps > Google Workspace > Google Meet.
Requires having the Service Settings administrator privilege.
Click Meet video settings.
- Click eCDN settings
Peering policy
Enable debug logs.
- Check or uncheck the box.
- Click Save.