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Control access to apps based on user & device context

Assign access levels to private web apps

After you create access levels, you’re ready to assign them to your private web apps. You can control access by user identity, device security status, IP address, and geographical location. You can also control access for apps attempting to access Google Workspace data through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

When you assign access levels…

  • Users are granted access to the app when they meet the conditions specified in one of the access levels you select (it’s a logical OR of the access levels in the list). If you want users to meet the conditions in more than one access level (a logical AND of access levels), create an access level that contains multiple access levels. If you want to assign more than 10 access levels for an app, you can use nested access levels to do so.
  • Users can access the app if they are a member of at least one configuration group that has access to the app.

Assign Context-Aware access levels to private web apps

Before you begin: To apply the setting for certain users, put their accounts in a configuration group.

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Click Assign access levels to private web apps. You see a list of apps.
  3. (Optional) To apply the setting only to some users, at the side, select a configuration group.
  4. Hover over an app and click Assign.
  5. On the left, click one or more access levels (up to 10) to select them. Selected access levels are displayed to the right.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. (Optional) Check the Block other apps from accessing the selected apps via APIs, if access levels aren't met box to block apps from attempting to access Google Workspace data through exposed public APIs.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Review the selected scope, and the selected apps and selected access levels, and the access level mode (monitor or active).
  10. Click Assign.

You’re returned to the apps list page. The Access levels column shows the number of access levels applied to each app in both monitor mode and active mode.

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