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Control how Workspace users access the Gemini app

As an admin, you control who uses the Gemini app in your organization. The Gemini app can help users supercharge their ideas. With a little help from the Gemini app, users can do things like:

  • Brainstorm ideas, develop a plan, or find different ways to get things done.
  • Get a quick, easy to understand summary of more complex topics.
  • Create first drafts of outlines, emails, blog posts, and much more.
Gemini for Google Workspace add-ons are no longer available for purchase. We're bringing the best of Google AI to all Business and Enterprise Editions of Google Workspace. Learn more.

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What is the Gemini app? 

The Gemini app includes:

"Gemini Apps” are also sometimes referred to as the “Gemini app” or “Gemini.”  If you have a work or school Google Account, your use of Gemini Apps may be subject to different data handling terms. Learn more about using Gemini Apps with a work or school Google Account.

How to get the Gemini app

As a core service

The Gemini app as a core service with enterprise-grade data protections is available with most Google Workspace editions:

Workspace editions with Gemini app

  • Business Starter
  • Essentials
  • Enterprise Essentials
  • Enterprise Essentials Plus
  • Frontline Starter
  • Frontline Standard
  • Nonprofits

Workspace editions with Gemini Advanced

  • Business Standard
  • Business Plus
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Enterprise Plus

Users who access the Gemini app through one of these editions are subject to the Google Workspace Terms of Service or your offline Workspace agreement, as applicable. Their chats and uploaded files won't be reviewed by human reviewers or otherwise used to improve generative AI models. 

Gemini Advanced includes everything in the Gemini app with enterprise-grade data protections as well as priority access to new features and access to Google’s most capable AI models. See comparison below for more detail.

As an additional Google Service

Users without a qualifying Google Workspace edition are subject to the Google Terms of Service and the Gemini Apps Privacy Notice when they use the Gemini app. Their chats may be reviewed by human reviewers and used to improve Google’s products, services, and machine-learning technologies. Tell these users to avoid entering confidential or sensitive information when using the Gemini app.

Compare Gemini offerings

As a core service

  Gemini app

Gemini advanced

Foundational technology
Best model available 1.5 Flash 1.5 Pro
Enterprise-grade data protections
Gemini web app availability
Gemini mobile app availability Languages and countries where the Gemini mobile app is available Languages and countries where the Gemini mobile app is available
Edit and run code  
File upload and advanced data analysis  
Productivity features
Google Workspace extensions
Image generation
Image generation
Image generation with people  
SOC 1 | SOC 2 | SOC 3
ISO / IEC 27001 | ISO 27017 | ISO 27018 | ISO 27701 | ISO 9001 | ISO 42001
FedRAMP High**

* Gemini mobile app supports all languages except Farsi.

** Our current FedRAMP submission does not include Data Location. We’re targeting FedRAMP High with Data Location at a later date. The package is pending review by the Joint Authorization Board (JAB), who does not provide guidance on review timelines. Refer to the FedRAMP compliance page to view a copy of our submission. 

As an additional service

Foundational technology
Model 1.5 Flash
Enterprise-grade data protections  
Gemini web app availability
Gemini mobile app availability Languages and countries where the Gemini mobile app is available
Edit and run code  
File upload and advanced data analysis  
Productivity features
Google Workspace extensions  
Image generation
Image generation  
SOC 1 | SOC 2 | SOC 3  
ISO / IEC 27001 | ISO 27017 | ISO 27018 | ISO 27701 | ISO 9001 | ISO 42001  
FedRAMP High  

* Gemini mobile app supports all languages except Farsi.

Gemini activity settings

  • Your Gemini Apps Activity includes activity from the Gemini web app and the mobile app. When you delete your chats with Gemini for Workspace inside a Workspace app, this does not delete any information that is saved to your Gemini Apps Activity.
  • Currently, if you use the Gemini web app or mobile app with your work or school account, your Gemini Apps Activity is turned on and your conversation history is retained for 18 months.

Important: For work users who have access to Gemini Apps as an additional service, while Gemini Apps Activity is on, Google collects your Gemini Apps conversations and other information you provide to improve and develop Google products and services and machine-learning technologies. Learn more.

Gemini mobile app

Important: We're gradually releasing the Gemini mobile app to Google Workspace users, so it may not be available to your organization just yet.

The Gemini mobile app includes:

Gemini mobile app is available by default to users in your organization who have access to Gemini. Currently Google Workspace users are subject to some restrictions when using the mobile app. They can't use:

Additionally, Android users can't use the Gemini app in the Android Work Profile

Learn more about using Gemini mobile app with a work or school Google Account.

Control access to Gemini mobile apps

There is no admin control specific to the Gemini mobile app. However, you can choose to block the Gemini app through device management settings. Learn more about managing mobile apps for your organization.

Choose who can use the Gemini app

By default, the Gemini app is available to all users over age 18 with a license that provides access under your Google Workspace agreement.

You can extend access to all users, regardless of their Google Workspace license:

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu and then Generative AI > Gemini app.
    Important: This setting controls access to gemini.google.com and Gemini mobile apps. It has no effect on other AI features in Google Workspace services. 
  3. Click User access.
  4. Check the box to Allow all users to access the Gemini app, regardless of license.
  5. (Optional) To change access for an organizational unit:
    1. At the left, select the organizational unit.
    2. Check or uncheck the box.
    3. Choose one:
      • If User access is set to Inherited and you want to keep the updated setting, even if the parent setting changes, click Override.
      • If User access is set to Overridden, either click Inherit to revert to the same setting as its parent, or click Save to keep the new setting, even if the parent setting changes.
        Note: Learn more about organizational structure.
  6. (Optional) To change access for a set of users across or within organizational units, select an access group and check or uncheck the box. For details, go to Use groups to customize service access.

  7. Click Save.

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

 Turn the Gemini app on or off

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Click Service status.
  3. To turn a service on or off for everyone in your organization, click On for everyone or Off for everyone, and then click Save.

  4. (Optional) To turn a service on or off for an organizational unit:
    1. At the left, select the organizational unit.
    2. To change the Service status, select On or Off.
    3. Choose one:
      • If the Service status is set to Inherited and you want to keep the updated setting, even if the parent setting changes, click Override.
      • If the Service status is set to Overridden, either click Inherit to revert to the same setting as its parent, or click Save to keep the new setting, even if the parent setting changes.
        Note: Learn more about organizational structure.
  5. (Optional) To turn on a service for a set of users across or within organizational units, select an access group. For details, go to Use groups to customize service access.
  6. Click Save.

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

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