In-room bookings with Google Meet hardware

You can configure your conference room calendars to allow users to book meetings directly from associated Google Meet hardware devices. This action is only available when the room calendar is free and can be done to the nearest half-hour or hour (up to 30 min or 60 min duration). This will create a meeting on the room calendar and prevent other users from booking that same room from Google Calendar. You can remove an in-room booking from the device by tapping the before Remove button after the booking has been created.

Configure in-room bookings from the Admin console

This feature is controlled by a global room setting toggle, and then rooms can be opted out at the individual room level.

To turn on in-room bookings for all the room calendars in your organization

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Toggle Book rooms from Google Meet hardware.

Note: If you are not a Google Meet hardware customer with provisioned Google Meet hardware devices in your fleet, you will not see this setting.

To opt out of individual rooms 

Before you begin, make sure the global toggle for the feature is turned on.

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Click Resource managementand thenResources.
  3. Find the Room Name and go to Room settings.
  4. Toggle Exempt from in-room booking.

Note: If you are a Google Meet hardware customer, this toggle will appear for all conference rooms regardless of whether a Google Meet hardware device is presently assigned to that conference room. If there is no Google Meet hardware device assigned, there will be no impact from this toggle.

You can bulk update the individual room toggle for up to 200 rooms from the resource management page.

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