Applies to editions of Google Workspace and other paid subscriptions in your Google Admin console.
When you set up your Google billing account, you provide an email address where we can send secure information about your billing and payments. Protecting your financial information is important to Google, so before we send messages about your account to any address, we need you to verify that the address is really yours. Also, if you ever want us to send billing messages to another address, you should update your billing account with the new address.
Verify your billing email address
- Open your email and look for an email from titled Google Billing: Verify your email address.
- Click the link in the email to verify your address.
That's it! We’ll now send information about your billing and payments to this address.
What if the link has expired?
If you received the email from Google to verify your address, but the link in the email is expired, just send yourself another verification email.
You're seeing only basic steps
Other important details may apply for your account but you must sign in to see them:Sign in for more help
Use your administrator account (doesn't end in
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
Go to Menu
Billing > Payment accounts.
Requires having the Billing Management administrator privilege.
Next to your subscription, click More
View payment settings.
- Scroll to Payments contacts.
- Click your contact entry
Resend Invitation.
Add or change payments contacts
To change your billing email address or add an additional address to receive billing messages, update your payments contacts.
You're seeing only basic steps
Other important details may apply for your account but you must sign in to see them:Sign in for more help
Use your administrator account (doesn't end in
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
Go to Menu
Billing > Payment accounts.
Requires having the Billing Management administrator privilege.
Next to your subscription, click More
View payment settings.
- Scroll to Payments contacts and choose an option:
- Add a contact—Click Add a new contact and fill in the new contact information.
- Change an address—Click the contact name. To the right of Contact Details, click Edit
and make your changes.
Note: You can’t change an address for your primary contact. To update primary contact details, you must add a new primary contact and then remove the current one. - Remove a contact (only available for a contact you’ve added)—Click the contact name
- If you add or change an address: To the right of Email preferences, click Edit
and select what messages you want sent to that address:
- All payments email (required for the primary contact)
- Administrative payments email only—Receives important notifications such as for missed payments.
- No payments email (for a phone contact, only)
- Click Save. For a newly added contact, click Invite.
When you add or change an email address, you'll need to verify the address as described above. Until an email address is verified, you’ll see “Pending” next to the contact name.