Domain registration is incomplete

When you buy or renew a domain, your domain registrar must verify your email address. Typically, they send you an email message asking you to confirm your address.

If your domain host can’t verify your address, they might disable your domain. This stops email from being routed to the Google Workspace account associated with your domain.

Google doesn't provide technical support for issues with your domain provider.

How to fix this issue

  1. Identify your domain host.
  2. Sign in to your domain host or contact your host directly.
  3. Re-verify your registration information with your domain host using their instructions.
  4. Go to the ICANN Whois page.
  5. In the box at the top of the page, enter your domain name and click Lookup.
  6. Verify that you or your domain host is the contact for your domain. Note: If your domain has privacy added to it, ICANN Whois will only show the privacy provider’s contact information.

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