Online Insights Study FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about the Online Insights program.

Enroll with your Google Account or create a new account
To enroll, use your Google Account or create a new account with another personal email address. We don’t accept work emails or .gov or .edu addresses. To participate in the study, you can use any personal device with an internet connection, like a phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.
Use an invite code
You can only use your invite code once. If you haven't yet used the code to create an account and it still doesn’t work, contact support.
Participate in the study

You’re eligible to participate in the study with the provided invitation code, if you:

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Live in the United States
How participants are selected in the study

Gallup and AUS help Google to invite residents from the US on a random basis. No Google data is used to make the decision on which households are invited. The goal is to have participants that reflect the makeup of the US population as a whole.

You can also receive an invite from a participating member of your household or a friend.

Complete the requirements & enroll your device

To join the study, we ask participants a few questions. If you agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy, you can enroll one or more personal devices, like a phone, tablet, or computer. You must install a browser extension or mobile app on each device.

Once enrolled, some devices require a weekly check in. We also ask participants to fill out a short survey once or twice a year.

Control what data to share with the study
Since it’s a consented panel, participants have complete control over their data in Online Insights Study. As a participant, you can access or delete any collected data and pause data collection at any time from your device. You can choose to leave the study at any time and request to have all your data permanently deleted.
Leave the study
You can leave the study at any time. After you leave the study, you have 30 days to redeem any reward points you have left. To delete your data collected by the study, you can contact support.
You didn't sign up but you received an email from the Online Insights Study
This email was sent as a part of our household invite or refer a friend program. You received the email because someone in your household or a friend signed up for the research study and wanted to invite you to join as well. You’re invited on their behalf.
Give permission to allow the study app track your activity

When you agree to give this permission, you can use the Safari extension to keep your device active in the study without the need to check in. The Online Insights Study relies on this information to understand the ads you find while you browse the internet.

Google won't sell, share, or use the information collected for the study to serve you personalized ads. This setting only applies to your use of this app on a specific device.

If you select "Allow" and give permission to track your activity, you won't have to send cookies every week to develop privacy-centric features. You can pause or delete any information collected.

If you choose "Ask App not to Track," you can still use this app to manage your other devices, data, or rewards. If you change your mind at any time, you can always change your settings.

Delete the app to stop data collection

If you delete the app, it won't stop data collection. To stop data collection:

To remove an iPhone, iPad, or Safari browser device:

  1. On the Online Results Study page, go to the Devices tab.
  2. Select More More.
  3. Select Remove device.
    • After you remove the device, you can restore your cookie settings. This applies if you change them while you enroll your device.
Enable app tracking

To allow the app to track your activity across other companies’ apps and websites:

  1. Open Settings app.
  2. Select Privacy and Security.
    • If you don't find Privacy and Security, go to Privacy.
      Privacy & Security
  3. Select Tracking.
  4. Turn on Allow Apps to Request to Track.
    This image shows the Allow apps to request to track toggle
  5. To allow tracking, turn on Insights.


    • If the Insights app toggle isn't present, you'll have to:
      1. Open the Insights app to be prompted with the tracking permission dialog.
      2. Select Allow.
      3. Select Enable extension and follow the instructions.
        Enable extension

Tip: To make sure the extension works properly, go to the website on the device you want to set up the extension on.

About Gallup & AUS

Gallup and AUS are trusted research companies that track public opinion for decades. To learn more about both companies, go to:

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