Verify successful delivery

These features are only available to partners using YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

After you deliver sound recordings, you may want to verify that YouTube has the correct information about key tracks. There are five major aspects to check:

  1. Confirm that the delivery job completed successfully.

  2. Check the release dates in each territory.  

  3. Verify that the ownership information is correct across territories.

  4. If you delivered a premium music video, verify that it has been correctly associated with the track.

  5. Review the metadata used to create the Art Track or asset.

You complete the first two steps on the Upload Status – List View page, and the remaining steps on the Asset detail page for the sound recording asset.

Review the delivery job status

Use the Upload Status – List View page to monitor the status of jobs in progress or to confirm that a job has finished processing.

To review the status of an upload batch:

  1. Sign in to the YouTube Dashboard.

  2. Select Upload Status > List View from the Content Delivery box.

  3. Select All in the Job Status drop-down box.

  4. Click Show Jobs.

  5. Select the Job ID of the upload batch whose status you want to review.

  6. Click Status File.

  7. Search for “fail” to locate status updates reporting problems.

Check a track's release date(s)

To check the release date for a track, you need to review the metadata file you used when you delivered the track. In DDEX metadata files, you specify the release date using the <ValidityPeriod> tag; in an Art Tracks spreadsheet file, the release date is in the track_territory_start_dates column.

To check the release date for a track:

  1. Find the delivery job that includes the track.

    Use the Upload Status – List View page to find the delivery job. (If you've already opened the delivery job to review its upload status, skip to the next step.)

    1. Select All in the Job Status drop-down box.
    2. Click Advanced Search to display the search criteria box.
    3. From the Search Filter drop-down list, select the type of criteria you want to use to find the delivery job. For example, choose Where Art Track ISRC to locate the job using the track's ISRC, or Where Filename to locate it using its filename.
    4. Enter the unique value for the track in the text box that appears to the right.
    5. Click Show Jobs.
  2. Click the filename that appears in the Metadata file column of the table or the Job metadata file field on the Upload status - Job ID page.

  3. Check the release date(s) for the track.

    A track can have different release dates in different territories.

    • In a DDEX file, the release date appears as the <StartDate> subtag of the <ValidityPeriod> element for a given territory. For example, this XML sets a German release date of 1 March 2015:
    • In an Art Tracks spreadsheet, the release dates for each territory appear in the track_territory_start_dates column. Each value consists of a two-letter country codes and a date, separated by a colon (:). For example, the value to set the German release date of 1 March 2015 is "DE:2015-03-01".
  4. If the release dates for any territories are incorrect, deliver an updated metadata file.

Verify ownership information

To view the ownership details for an asset:

  1. From the Assets page, select the asset whose ownership details you want to review or update.

    You can search for the asset using the recording's ISRC. The search may return multiple YouTube assets, representing the sound recording, music videos, or Art Tracks. Click the name of the sound recording asset to display the details page for that asset.

  2. Click the Ownership & Policy tab.

    The page shows the current ownership details and the match policy applied to user-generated videos claimed using this asset (if applicable).

  3. To update the ownership information, click the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the Ownership section.

  4. Specify the territories in which you own the asset.

    You can list the territories in which you own the asset or the territories in which you don't own the asset, whichever is easier. After selecting owns this asset in(the default) or owns this asset everywhere except, click in the box and select a territory. Repeat this process until you've selected all of the relevant territories.

  5. Click Save.

See Manage ownership of an asset for more details.

Verify the official video for a track

Every YouTube sound recording asset has an official video associated with it. If you don't provide a premium music video for a recording, YouTube shows an "art track."

To set the official video, YouTube looks for a music video where the ISRC on the embedded sound recording of the music video matches the corresponding art track ISRC. The official video is the YouTube video that you uploaded to a channel you own and claimed on behalf of the music video asset. If the music video asset claims more than one video, YouTube uses the most popular one (the one with the most views).

Note: To edit the official video for a sound recording, you must be the content owner with rights to the ISRC.

To associate a music video with a sound recording: 

  1. From the Assets page, find and open the asset for the sound recording.
  2. On the asset detail page, click OFFICIAL VIDEO in the tab bar.
  3. The lower portion of the page shows the video currently associated with this recording.
  4. Click the pencil icon in the upper right to edit the list.
  5. Find the music video asset you want to use as the official music video for this sound recording, and click the check box in its row.
  6. Click Save.
Review a track's metadata

To review the metadata for an asset:

  1. From the Assets page, select the asset whose metadata you want to review or update.

    You can search for the asset using the recording's ISRC. The search may return multiple YouTube assets, representing the sound recording, music videos, or Art Tracks. Click the name of the sound recording asset to display the details page for that asset.

  2. Click the Metadata tab.

  3. Check the values of the metadata fields, especially Artists, Song, Genre, and Custom ID (if provided).

  4. To update any of the values, deliver a new version of the metadata.

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