How rich media works

Determine post-production team and timelines

There are three options for building your creative:

  • The Creative Agency builds the creative, uploads to Studio, and publishes for Quality Assurance (QA) testing.

    Creative Agencies can use the Getting started guide for information on Studio access, the Studio process, and templates for building creatives.

    The Media Agency and Creative Agency should work together to determine the production timeline.
  • The Media Agency works with a certified Studio Creative Partner on creative development, post-production, and QA.

    For more information, see Creative partners.
  • The Creative Agency uploads assets to Studio and conducts their own QA.

Recommended campaign timeline when using a post-production Creative Agency or Creative Partner

Standard creatives

Polite load banners, video ads, expanding ads, push-downs, and interstitials.
Deliver all creative assets to the post-production team two weeks before the due date for trafficking tags.

Here's a sample timeline, from complete asset delivery to setting tags live:

Final asset delivery
3-4 business days production in Studio
QA feedback
24 hours
1-2 days client revisions if nec.
Agency trafficking around 5 days
Site testing
around 5 days

We encourage you to deliver final files 15 business days before launch. The sample timeline allows for one round of client revisions. Additional revisions will delay the trafficking delivery date by one day per round of revisions. Agency trafficking and site-testing review add time to launch and aren't under Studio's control.

Once the post-production team receives complete creative assets, they will add Rich Media components and coding to your ads to serve and track them correctly in Campaign Manager 360 Trafficking.

Complex creatives

High-level complexity, multiple videos, widgets, games, or other complicated interactive features.
Creatives that are more complex but are using established products and features require an extra day for production. If a creative is especially complex, speak to your post-production team for a more precise estimate.

Custom creatives

Unconventional creative setups and new or untested features.
Please deliver assets over three weeks (15-20 business days) before the live date. This allows the post-production team to develop solutions to any unique technical requirements. Contact your post-production team for a more precise estimate.

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