Coming soon: June 13 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

Product feeds for YouTube brand awareness and consideration campaigns

We’re adding support for product feeds to two more YouTube video campaign types. With this update, you can link product feeds to your YouTube brand awareness and reach and product and brand consideration campaigns to make them shoppable. Advertisers will be able to feature compelling product imagery and details from a Google Merchant Center feed alongside a bumper, non-skippable, or skippable ad to encourage users to take action.

Removing inventory quality insights from Campaign tab

Inventory quality insights will no longer be available in the Campaign tab. In the future, you can find all inventory quality insights by going to Resourcesand thenBrand Controls.

YouTube CTV inventory in connected TV and OTT insertion order

We're introducing a new line item to the connected TV and over-the-top (OTT) insertion order called "Youtube & partners on CTV." Try this new line item type to buy YouTube connected TV inventory.

Changes to bid strategy names

We're updating some bid strategy names to make them clearer:

  • "While prioritizing hitting a target" is changing to "While prioritizing a target" for target CPA, CPC, viewable CPM, and value
  • "Cost" is changing to "impression value/cost"

These changes are in the UI only and will not impact reporting, the API, or structured data files (SDF).

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