About asset group reporting

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Asset optimization is key to the success of your Performance Max campaigns. To evaluate campaign success and maximize performance, you can review performance metrics at the asset group level for your campaigns.

When you review your asset group level performance data, you’ll better understand how your asset groups are performing towards your campaign-level goals. You can use this data alongside your asset or combination reports to improve and add assets that drive results for your campaign. Learn more About asset reporting in Performance Max.

Note: Asset groups with higher CPA or lower ROAS still contribute to achieving your campaign goals, and we don’t recommend removing asset groups based on this information. Learn more about Optimizing for marginal ROI instead of average ROI.

On this page

Before you begin

You’ll need to set up a Performance Max campaign to view your “Asset group” report. Learn more About Performance Max campaigns.

How it works

To view your Asset group report, follow these instructions:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. On the “Campaigns” page, select the Performance Max campaign that you’d like to view.
  5. Click the “Asset groups” tab.
  6. In the top right corner, switch the page view from “Summary” to “Table”.
    • Note: Your table will show “Conv. rate”, “Conversions”, and “Cost/conv.” by default.
  7. To view additional columns, click the Columns button, then click Modify columns. You can browse through available metrics and click Apply to view these as columns on your report.

What you'll find in your asset group report

You can review your “Asset group” report in Google Ads to understand metrics and data that can help you improve your assets and advertising strategies. Some metrics are available by default, so if you’d like to add or remove metrics, click the “Columns” icon, select the “Modify columns” option, and select and save the metrics you’d like to view in your report.

Recommended metrics

Google recommends that you use specific metrics to gain insightful data from your asset group reporting. If you’re not sure where to start when you’re setting up your asset group reporting, consider adding the following metrics.


Conversions are actions that are counted when someone interacts with your ad or free product listing and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business.

When you measure your conversions, you can better understand the number of customers who action on your ad after being served an ad formed of assets from your Performance Max asset group.

Conversion value (if measured)

If your conversion goals also measure conversion value, this can help you measure and optimize the true business impact of your ad campaigns more accurately.

Conversion rate

Your conversion rate is the average number of conversions per ad interaction. You can use conversion tracking in your account to measure conversion rates shown as a percentage.

When you measure your conversion rate, you can compare assets in your asset group to ensure that the highest performing assets continue to be served.

Cost per conversion

Your cost per conversion is how much, on average, each of your conversions cost. It’s calculated by dividing your total cost by the number in your “Conversions” column.

When you measure your cost per conversion, you can compare assets in your asset group to ensure that the money you spend is yielding results.

Best practices

To make the most of the data in your asset group report, consider the following:

  • Continue campaign-level evaluations: It’s recommended that you continue to evaluate the performance of your campaigns at the campaign-level because the algorithm will be optimized against your conversion objectives.
  • Evaluate your conversion metrics carefully: It’s recommended that you remain attentive when evaluating your average cost per action (CPA) or conversion value per cost (ROAS) at the asset group level, as asset groups with higher CPA or lower ROAS contribute to achieving your campaign goals. You can maximize your assets and asset groups to create a more successful campaign. Learn more about Optimizing for marginal ROI instead of average ROI.
  • Leverage additional insights in Google Ads: To gain additional understanding of how your assets and asset groups are performing, for example, which audiences are your ads resonating with, review your audience insights in Google Ads alongside your “Asset group” report.

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