Brand Controls and verification

Reporting with Brand Controls

You can create reports from the “Brand Controls” page with information on viewability, issues with tags, and impressions that have been classified or blocked. With these reports, you can analyze your performance data and update your Brand Controls settings to match your business needs.

Report on tagging issues

If your tags are not implemented properly, it may lead to issues with serving creatives, reporting counts, or tracking clicks. In Report Builder, you can view the number of tagging issues on the account, campaign, or site level. You can also view alerts about tagging issues in the Trafficking UI. Learn more about the types of tagging issues.


When you generate a new report from the “Brand Controls” page, it will include these metrics by default:

  • Blocked impressions:
    The number of display and video impressions that Verification prevented from serving based on ad blocking criteria.
  • Classified impressions:

    Number of verifiable impressions for which there is a referrer URL and for which the content of the URL or domain has been analyzed for the purposes of classification. Keep in mind that analysis doesn't always lead to the assignment of a sensitive category because many sites have content that doesn't fall into any of the classification categories, which are designed to catch potentially inappropriate content.

  • Publisher Problems:

    The number of incidents where Verification detected a problem attributed to the publisher, such as an empty third-party click string.

  • Reporting Problems:

    The number of incidents where Verification detected a problem that could cause counting discrepancies, such as a missing or invalid ord= key-value.

  • Serving Problems:

    The number of incidents where Verification detected a problem that could cause problems with ad delivery, such as a missing size parameter in the tag or a lack of creatives available to serve.

  • Sensitive Category Impressions:
    The number of impressions for which an ad was shown with content that was categorized by a flagged sensitive category. The same content can be categorized by multiple sensitive categories.
  • Impressions:

    The number of times that a user’s client (browser or mobile device) sent a ping to our ad server that creative content was requested and has started to download during the specified date range.

  • Warnings:

    The number of incidents where Verification detected tags that have unclear instructions for the ad server that may not necessarily prevent them from rendering correctly.

(Optional) Report on viewability with Active View

Active View measures if an impression was viewable and for how long. You can use Active View metrics to track the impact of your Brand Controls settings on the viewability of your ads. Learn more about Active View.

Instructions to generate a report

From Campaign Manager 360 Reporting and Attribution > Brand Controls:

  1. Click the “View” dropdown and select the view you want to report on.
  2. Click Generate report. A new instant report will open in Report Builder.
  3. (Optional) Add Active View metrics to the “Row” section.
  4. (Optional) Schedule your report to be emailed as an attachment or link.

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