
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Use your business data to manage campaigns

Hotels and rentals: Business data example

Report on promotions for specific hotels and destination cities

Advertisers who promote hotels typically create separate campaigns and ad groups for each hotel, and additional campaigns and ad groups for each destination city where the hotels are located.

Business data help you see how campaigns or ad groups across an advertiser contribute to promoting specific hotels and destinations. Here's an example report that uses business data to organize performance metrics:
Report on business data

How to set up business data to report on hotels and destinations

For maximum flexibility, create separate business data tables for countries, destination cities or regions, and hotels. (As you'll see later, this enables you to apply business data at the appropriate level of granularity).

For example, create a table named "Country":
Create a business data table

Then add a column of type Text, which you can use to enter the full name of a country:
Add a column to a business data table


The full list of suggested tables and columns is below:

Table name: Country

Column name Data type Description
ID Text Contains a two-letter identifier for a country.
Name Text Contains the full name of a country.


Table name: Destination

Column name Data type Description
ID Text Contains the name of a city, region, or other travel destination.
Country.ID Text Identifies a country that's been defined in the Country table.

Note that the Destination table has a column that refers to a country in the Country table. Here's what it looks like when adding columns to the Destination table:
Create a reference to another business data table


Table name: Hotel

Column name Data type Description
ID Text Contains the name of a hotel or rental that's being promoted.
Destination.ID Text

Identifies a city, region, or other travel destination that's been defined in the "Destination" table.

Note that when you apply a Hotel to a campaign or other item, the item will inherit data from the "Destination" table. Because "Destination" has a reference to the "Country" table, the item will inherit data from the "Country" table as well.


Add business data rows

After creating tables, add business data rows to each table. For example, add countries to the Country table. When you're done, the Country table will look like this:
Add business data rows

Then add cities or regions to the Destination table (and select a country from the Country table). When you're done, the Destination table will look like this:
Destination business data table

Finally, add hotels to the Hotel table. When you're done, the Hotel table will look like this:
"Hotel" business data table

Apply business data and view reports

Apply rows in the Hotel table to campaigns or ad groups that promote specific hotels. For example, apply the "Tibrogargan" business data row to ad groups dedicated to promoting the Tibrogargan hotel in Brisbane.

If you have campaigns or ad groups that promote specific destination cities (but not specific hotels), apply rows in the Destination table to those campaigns or ad groups. For example, apply the "Brisbane" row from the Destination table to campaigns that promote Brisbane as a destination. Similarly, if you have campaigns or ad groups that promote specific destination countries (but not specific cities or hotels), apply rows in the Country table to those campaigns or ad groups.

After applying data, view reports:

  • View Hotel.ID on the Dimensions tab to see performance data for each specific hotel
  • View Destination.ID on the Dimensions tab and segment by Hotel.ID to see performance for each destination city, with additional detail on how each hotel in the city performs. In the example below, the campaigns for the Brisbane destination generated 5,500 clicks, campaigns for the Sydney destination generated 10,000 clicks, while the campaigns for the specific Tibrogargan hotel generated 9,000 clicks, and so on.
    Report on business data

    If you remove the Hotel.ID segment, you'll see all the Tibrogargan and Sleepwell clicks added to the Brisbane clicks, and the Harborside and Lakeview clicks added to the Sydney clicks:
    Performance at the destination level

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