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Pixelbook security

Pixelbooks use the principle of "defense in depth" to provide multiple layers of protection, so if any one layer is bypassed, others are still in effect. So while it's still important to take precautions to protect your data, Pixelbooks let you breathe just a little bit easier. Your Pixelbook has the following security features built-in:

Automatic updates

The most effective way to protect against malware is to ensure all software is up-to-date and has the latest security fixes. This can be difficult to manage on traditional operating systems with many software components from many vendors all with different update mechanisms and user interfaces. Chromebooks manage updates automatically so Chromebooks are always running the latest and most secure version.


Each web page and application runs in a restricted environment called a "sandbox." If the device is directed to an infected page, it can't affect the other tabs or apps on the computer, or anything else on the machine. The threat is contained.

Verified Boot

Even if malware manages to escape the sandbox, your device is still protected. Every time it starts up, it does a self-check called "Verified Boot." If it detects that the system has been tampered with or corrupted in any way, typically it will repair itself without any effort, taking the device back to an operating system that’s as good as new.

Data Encryption

When using web apps on your device, all important data is stored safely in the cloud. Certain kinds of files, like downloads, cookies, and browser cache files, may still be present on the computer. Your device encrypts this data using tamper-resistant hardware, making it very difficult for anyone to access those files.

Recovery Mode

If anything goes wrong with your device, you can simply push a button or use a quick keyboard combination to enter recovery mode and restore the operating system to a known good version.

Check out the video below to learn more about the simple but important steps you can take to improve the security of your Internet browsing.

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