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Coming soon: November 11 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks

HTML5 and image creatives will soon scale across sizes for app interstitial inventory

HTML5 and image creatives hosted by Display & Video 360 will soon be able to render across sizes on app interstitial inventory while maintaining the aspect ratio of the creative, allowing for better looking creatives with higher performance. You can disable this scaling by selecting a new "Don’t scale to fit device width" option on the creative. While previewing your creative, you'll also be able to see how it scales in different device widths with a new option to "Fit to device."

Changes to how creative SSL compliance status is shown coming soon

In the coming week, creative SSL status will no longer appear in its own section in the audit information panel on the creative details page. Instead, creatives that are not SSL compliant will be disapproved for serving and relevant information will be shown in the "Feedback" section. The SSL column will also be removed from the list of creatives in your advertiser.

Share Floodlight groups across advertisers in a partner

You’ll soon be able to share Floodlight groups across multiple advertisers within a partner if you have partner-level access. You’ll see a few changes across Display & Video 360 to support this change:

  • Floodlight groups management from your partner: You’ll be able to view and manage all of the Floodlight groups across advertisers in your partner from a new Floodlight Groups tab. Instead of going to each individual advertiser to manage Floodlight settings, you’ll be able to make changes in one place.
  • Set Floodlight groups during advertiser creation: When you’re creating a new advertiser, you’ll see an option to select an existing Floodlight group for the advertiser.

If you manage Floodlight for a Display & Video 360 advertiser through a linked Campaign Manager account, you’ll continue to use Campaign Manager to manage Floodlight.

Performance chart coming soon to the History tab that show the impact of line item edits on spend and KPIs

A new performance chart is coming soon to the History tab that displays spend or other KPIs over time. You’ll be able to see how line item edits and optimizations have impacted campaign performance without needing to move to a new tab or create a report. If you’re troubleshooting spend issues, this chart can help you more easily identify the root cause.

New display line items will default to automated bid strategies

New display line items will soon default to using the appropriate automated bid strategy based on the settings of the campaign and insertion order, saving you time when you’re setting up a line item. You’ll be able to change the bid strategy to other bidding options if needed.

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