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Coming soon: March 11 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

Instantly reach customers in the moments that matter with real-time triggers

Real-time triggers allow you to instantly reach and engage with customers in the moments that matter by syncing your digital campaign with real-time signals such as sports events. These signals are used to trigger line item spend and accelerate delivery so you only spend when the signal is relevant to your brand and customers. You’ll be able to create a trigger in your Display & Video 360 advertiser and then associate it to line items that you want to activate instantly based on the signals in the trigger. Real-time triggers will be available for display and video line items.

Improved management and reporting for connected TV apps coming soon

Starting in the next few weeks, you’ll see the following improvements for buying and reporting on connected TV apps:

  • Manage app targeting through channels: You’ll be able to create channels with connected TV apps to more easily manage groups of apps in your targeting.
  • App identifiers in reports: You’ll be able to see identifiers for individual connected TV apps when you use the App/URL dimension in reports. This update will give you better insight into what apps your video ads served on through connected TV devices. Connected TV apps are currently categorized under “Low volume inventory” in the App/URL dimension. The data included in the App/URL dimension will be the app identifiers passed to Display & Video by the app publisher.

Insertion order budget explorer coming soon

A new explore budget options chart will soon be available when you’re viewing an insertion order. You can use the chart to explore how key performance metrics might change if you adjust your insertion order budget proportionally across line items. You’ll be able to view and accept these suggestions from the chart, allowing you to more easily identify and implement opportunities for improved line item performance.

New insertion order automated bid strategy coming soon

Display & Video 360 will soon introduce automated bid strategies at the insertion order level for insertion orders with display and video line items. With this new setting, Display & Video 360 will automatically adjust bids and shift budgets for better performing line items across the insertion order. This bid strategy is recommended for all insertion orders with a shared line item optimization goal where you’re looking to ensure you spend the full insertion order budget.

Improvements to the Ad Canvas coming soon

You’ll soon see a more intuitive workflow for handling draft and published versions of creatives in the Ad Canvas that makes the status of the creative and what you can edit in each status clearer.


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