Coming soon: October 31, 2022 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

Use new conversion types & the Floodlight attribution methodology to power the bidding of your conversion optimized YouTube campaigns

With Floodlight optimization for YouTube, YouTube video action campaigns are optimized toward conversions as measured by your Floodlight configuration. This makes optimization & attribution methodology consistent across YouTube and non-YouTube line items. This enables a simple conversion tagging implementation, support for new conversion types, and more streamlined campaign reporting.

Similar audiences will no longer be generated starting May 2023

Starting May 2023, Display & Video 360 will no longer generate similar audiences, also known as similar segments, for targeting and reporting. 

Any active campaigns using similar audiences will continue as it is until May 2023. After May 2023, new similar audiences will not be generated and existing similar audiences will not be added remain in your campaigns until May 2023. After this date, similar audiences will be removed from all ad groups and campaigns. You’ll continue to be able to access historical reporting for similar audiences from past segments.

The following alternatives can help you give your campaign the flexibility to reach more potential customers even in a cookieless environment:

  • Optimized targeting for display and YouTube video action campaigns: Consider using Optimized targeting (coming soon to display campaigns) to find new and relevant audiences beyond your manually-selected audience segments. Learn more about Optimized targeting.
  • Audience expansion for YouTube brand campaigns: Audience expansion will replace Similar audiences and provide a similarity-based first party audience expansion experience generating look-alike audiences.

Report on Impressions and Click Rate (CTR) metrics for YouTube assets and related video extensions

For reporting on YouTube related videos performance and YouTube assets, you will be able to pull a report by Impression and Click Rate metrics

Instant reports will support Unique Reach Audience reporting metrics and template

We will be introducing Instant Reporting support for Unique Reach Audience reporting through a new Instant Report template and metrics.

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