Invoke the API

Note: This feature is supported for Enterprise plans only.

Invoke the API as described in the following sections:

URL format

Use a URL in the following form to invoke the API:

POST https://{appsheet-region}/api/v2/apps/{appId}/tables/{tableName}/Action


Variable Description


Domain used to invoke the API based on the supported data residency regions. Valid values include:

  • Global:
  • EU:

NoteThe domain is still supported, but has been deprecated.

{app-id} ID of the AppSheet app. To enable the API and view the App Id, see Enable the API for cloud-based service communication.

Name of the table. Select Data > Tables and expand the table details to view the table name. 

Note: The table name should be URL-encoded.

You must pass the application access key using one of the methods described in Specify the application access key

Note: The following URL format is still supported, but has been deprecated:

Specify the application access key

You must include the API application access key in every API call.

Specify application access key when invoking from a webhook

If you invoke the API from a webhook to access an app owned by you, the system automatically adds an HTTP header containing the ApplicationAccessKey.

If you invoke the API from a webhook to access an application not owned by you, you must explicitly specify an HTTP header containing the ApplicationAccessKey for that application, and enclose the value in quotes. For example:

applicationAccessKey: "bA2SK-l5kzd-SdvFb-mqIe6-gBT8a-CXp3D-cjCYB-oiJ6U"

Specify application access key in HTTP header

If you are invoking the API from something other than a webhook action, you must specify the ApplicationAccessKey.

It is best to specify the ApplicationAccessKey in the HTTP headers because this is most secure. It is specified in the form: 


For example:


Specify application access key in HTTP query string

If you must explicitly specify the ApplicationAccessKey but cannot do so in the HTTP headers, you can provide it in the HTTP query string. This is less secure than using HTTP headers. It is specified in the form:


For example:


If the ApplicationAccessKey is specified in both the HTTP headers and the HTTP query string, the value in the HTTP headers is used.

Application access key validation

When the API is invoked, the ApplicationAccessKey is compared to the Application Access Key and Alternate Application Access Key values on the API page. See Enable the API.

If the ApplicationAccessKey does not match any of the enable keys, the HTTP request is rejected and logged to the audit history.

HTTP request body

The following provides an example of the HTTP request body:

  "Action": "Add",
  "Properties": {
    "Locale": "en-US",
    "Location": "47.623098, -122.330184",
    "Timezone": "Pacific Standard Time",
    "UserSettings": {
      "Option 1": "value1",
      "Option 2": "value2"
  "Rows": [
      "FirstName": "Jan",
      "LastName": "Jones",
      "Age": 33,
      "Department": "Accounting",
      "Street": "110 Beach Blvd",
      "City": "Newport Beach",
      "State": "CA",
      "Zip": 92661,
      "Home Phone": 4257868765,
      "Fax": 4253214432,
      "Date Hired": "10/31/2014",
      "Arrived": "8:15:25",
      "Departed": "18:30:33",
      "Last Review": "08/31/2017 23:59:59",
      "Rating": 0.9950,
      "Salary": 3333.45,
      "Image": ""


The API HTTP request body specifies the content defined in the following sections.


The Action property in the HTTP request body specifies the name of the action to perform. Valid values include:

  • Add: Adds a new row to the table.
  • Delete: Deletes existing rows from the table.
  • Edit: Updates existing rows in the table.
  • Find: Reads an existing row of the table.

Or specify the name of an existing data-change action for the table.


The properties of the API request are in JSON format. These properties are optional.

Property Description
Locale Locale of the client making the request. For example, en-US indicates English, United States. If this value is not specified, Locale defaults to en-US.

The Locale is used when validating Date, DateTime, Decimal, Percent, Price, and Time data values. For example, when Locale is en-US, date values must be entered in MM/DD/YYYY format; when Locale is en-GB, date values must be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Location Latitude and longitude of the client making the request.

This value is used for ChangeLocation columns. For example 47.623098, -122.330184 represents Seattle, Washington in the US. If not specified, Location defaults to 0.000000, 0.000000.
RunAsUserEmail User email address of the person taking the action. The action is performed under the user email address you specify. If this value is not specified, the action is performed under the user email address of the application owner.

If you are performing an action against a table that uses data partitions and the partition expression is based on a USEREMAIL() value, you should specify the user email value here.
Timezone Timezone of the client making the request. For example, Pacific Standard Time indicates Pacific Standard Time in the United States and Canada. If not specified, Timezone defaults to UTC.
UserSettings User setting to be used when performing the action. If not specified, no user settings are used.

If you are performing an action against a table that uses data partitions and the partition expression is based on USERSETTINGS() values, you should specify those values here.


Include each column name and its intended value, in JSON format.

For all actions except Add, the row's key column name and value must be explicitly included.

For an Add action, the new row's key column must be given an explicit value, or enough other column values must be provided to allow the key column value to be generated according to the key column's definition. For instance, if the key column's Initial value expression is blank, the key column value must be provided explicitly. If the Initial value expression generates the key column value using other columns of the row, values for those other columns must be provided. If Initial value simply uses UNIQUEID() (for instance) to generate the key column value, the key column may be omitted.

Column constraints, if present in the column's definition, are enforced on column values provided through API calls: only a column allowed to change (per Editable_If) may be changed; a required column (per Required_If) must have a non-blank value; a non-blank value must be valid (per Valid_If).

For an Add action, for each column not included in the API call, the column's Initial value expression will be used to give the column a value.

For an action that modifies an existing row, for each column not included in the API call, the column's Reset on edit? setting will be checked and Initial value applied if indicated. Otherwise, the column's value will be unchanged.

Row column values

Each column's values must be suitable for its column type.

The value for a Yes/No column can be specified in several equivalent ways.
All of the following values are equivalent ways of specifying "True".
Field values within quotes are case insensitive. For example, "TRUE, "True", "true", "TruE" are equivalent.

"MyBool": true 
"MyBool": "True"
"MyBool": "true"
"MyBool": "T"
"MyBool": "t" 
"MyBool": "Yes"
"MyBool": "yes" 
"MyBool": "Y"
"MyBool": "y"

All of the following values are equivalent ways of specifying "False".
Field values within quotes are case insensitive. For example, "FALSE, "False", "false", "FalsE" are equivalent.

"MyBool": false 
"MyBool": "False"
"MyBool": "false"
"MyBool": "F"
"MyBool": "f" 
"MyBool": "No"
"MyBool": "no" 
"MyBool": "N"
"MyBool": "n"

Special characters in JSON

The following JSON special characters must be escaped when they appear in column names or column values.


Escaped JSON Value





Carriage Return


Double Quote


Form Feed






API Response HTTP Status Codes

The API returns the following HTTP status codes.

  • 200 Success
  • 400 Bad Request
    • The Application Access Key is missing.
    • The App ID is missing.
    • The POST body contains invalid data.
  • 403 Forbidden
    • The Web API is not enabled for this application.
    • The Application Access Key is invalid.
  • 404 Not Found
    • The application specified by the App ID cannot be found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error
    • An unexpected error occurred.

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