About bulk uploads

If you're creating a lot of variants in a project, you may find it easier to put variants together with your team offline instead of in Ads Creative Studio. You can download a project sheet and fill it out with the content to use for each variant. When you're done, you can upload the completed sheet to add all of the variants to your project.

What you can bulk upload

You can bulk upload:

  • Text, images, and video content to use for swappable elements
  • Rule assignments for variants

Bulk upload is not available for project templates, static template elements, or rules. You can only set these up in Ads Creative Studio.

You can bulk upload assets by uploading a folder to the asset library. You can only use assets from the asset library in bulk upload spreadsheets.

About project sheets

There are three types of project sheets you can use for bulk uploads. Review each type below to learn which sheet will work best for your needs.

Sheet type What you can use it for When to use it
Variant sheet Set the content to use for the swappable elements in all of your variants

Add or edit variants in video or display projects

Rule assignment sheet Set the variants for existing rules in your project

Add or edit rule assignments in video or display projects

Rules sheet

For display projects, review all rules and variants together in one sheet. This sheet can't be uploaded to display projects.

For video projects, you can use the rules sheet to create variants and assign them to rules. If you want to do both at once, you don't need the other two sheets.

Refer to existing rules or variants while creating display projects

Add both variants and rule assignments to video projects

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