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What's new: June 2021

Learn about new features and updates to Campaign Manager 360 from June 2021

Trafficking and workflow updates

Creative names can soon be up to 512 characters long

Creative names were previously limited to 256 characters in Display & Video 360. We’ve increased this to 512 characters, which will match the limit in Campaign Manager 360. If you sync your creatives from a linked Campaign Manager 360 advertiser, placements with longer names in Campaign Manager 360 will no longer be trimmed when they’re synced over as creatives in Display & Video 360.

OGG format support for audio creatives

You can now upload OGG assets for audio creatives in both Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360.

Better troubleshooting for mistaken PII in Floodlight activities

Campaign Manager 360 will notify you when it detects a Floodlight activity collecting personally identifiable information (PII), which is in violation of Google's policy. To give you more time to troubleshoot problems, your Floodlight PII alerts will show sample PII data for 8 days instead of 24 hours.

Media Asset IDs now available in all VAST tags from Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360

Media Asset ID <mediafile> is now available in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 video VAST tags. This unique identifier provides a workaround for how advertisers and publishers identify unique videos in their own platforms.

Addition of Universal Ad ID to VAST 2.0 Tags

VAST 2.0 tags exported from Campaign Manager 360 now have an <Extensions> node to provide Universal Ad ID functionality that is offered for VAST 4.0. The <Extension type="AD ID"> node holds a <UniversalAdId> node, where the ID can be found. Additionally an "AdId" field has been added to the <Creative> node, similar to the IAB VAST 2.0 Specification. No action is required for access and there is no impact to users that do not wish to use it.

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