Adicionar ou remover redes

Personalize sua assinatura com redes complementares como Paramount+ com SHOWTIME, STARZ ou Sports Plus. Também é possível comprar ou alugar filmes em algumas TVs.

Para comprar redes complementares usando uma TV, faça o seguinte:

  1. Abra o app YouTube TV na sua smart TV.
  2. Clique no ícone da loja  ao lado da sua foto do perfil  no canto direito de cima.
  3. Selecione a rede que você quer adicionar. Vão aparecer mais informações e o preço do complemento.
  4. Selecione Adicionar rede e confirme a compra na próxima tela.

Também é possível procurar redes usando a TV na guia Novo e notável. Para fazer uma compra, selecione a rede que você quer adicionar e siga as etapas para assinar.

  • Pricing and availability of content varies depending on whether you subscribe to Paramount+ with SHOWTIME on YouTube TV or YouTube Primetime Channels.
  • YouTube TV subscribers:
    • There is limited program availability for this add-on option on YouTube TV, including for Entertainment Plus subscribers. To get the full content offering, consider subscribing to this network on Primetime Channels. 
    • You may experience a delay between when programs air, and when you can view programs in your YouTube TV Library.

Leia as informações abaixo para saber mais sobre faturamento, reembolsos e como adicionar ou remover redes usando outros dispositivos.

Add networks

  1. Open the YouTube TV app or visit on a web browser.
  2. Tap your profile photo  e Settings  e Membership .
  3. Tap the checkmark  next to a network you’d like to add. You'll also see the price of each add-on network.
  4. Tap Purchase to finish.

Billing for add-on networks

If you have an active membership and sign up for any add-on networks, you'll be charged a prorated amount for the timeframe between when you added the network and your next billing date. You'll then be billed for the add-on network as part of your monthly membership.

Here's an example of how this works:

Date What happens?
January 1 Your regular monthly billing date
January 10 You add an add-on network to your membership
January 10 - February 1 You're charged a prorated amount for the add-on network. You only have to pay for the timeframe between when you added the network (January 10) and your next billing date (February 1)
February 1 - ongoing You're billed normally for your membership, including the add-on network

Remove networks

  1. Open the YouTube TV app or visit on a web browser.
  2. Tap your profile photo  e Settings  e Membership .
  3. Tap the checkmark  next to a network you’d like to remove.
  4. Tap Confirm to finish.

Request a refund

Go to this article to request a refund, or learn more about our refund policy.

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