Denials for page removal or SafeSearch label requests

Here is a list of reasons why your request might be denied for cache removal, outdated content removal, search result removal, or SafeSearch label.

Cache removal/Remove outdated content

Cache removal or outdated content removal requests are submitted using the Remove outdated content tool for websites that you don't own, or the Removals tool for websites that you do own. Here are the various reasons why your request might have been denied:

Outdated content not in index
The text or image that you described in your cache removal request does not seem to be present in the Google's cached copy, so it seems that the outdated content is already gone from our index and results. No need to do anything more.
Page not indexed
The page for which you requested a cache removal does not appear in our search results at all. No need to do anything more.
Content still on page
The text or image that you described in your cache removal request is still present on the live page. Contact the webmaster and ask them to remove the content, then you can submit another request, if necessary. Requests to the Remove Outdated Content tool can succeed only when the content is changed or no longer available.
Duplicate request
A cache removal request that you submitted for this URL is still in progress; no need to submit a new request for the same URL before an existing request is fulfilled.
Your cache removal request could not be fulfilled for another reason; we don't have any more details--sorry.

Search result removal

Outdated result removal or temporary removal requests are submitted using either the Remove outdated content tool for websites that you don't own, or the Removals tool for websites that you do own. Here are the various reasons why your result removal request might have been denied.

Page not indexed
You requested that a page be removed from our results, but it's already gone! No need to do anything more.
Page not removed
You requested that a non-functional page be removed from search results, but the page still exists, and is accessible by Google. Requests to the Remove Outdated Content tool can succeed only when the page is no longer available.
Your search result removal request could not be fulfilled for another reason; we don't have any more details--sorry.

SafeSearch labeling

Here are reasons why your request to label a page as containing adult content might have been denied:

Content not considered explicit
Google has determined that the image or webpage in question doesn't meet our criteria for SafeSearch filtering.
Your SafeSearch labeling request could not be fulfilled for another reason; we don't have any more details--sorry.

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